Tag Archives: king

Regulation of cancer stem cell growth, survival

In this paper, the authors show evidence indicating the presence of autocrine/paracrine EPO in the conditioned medium of cultured breast cancer cells and a functional role of an EPO-EPOR autocrine/paracrine loop in regulating tumor cell invasion and migration, and the stem-ness of breast cancer cells. The data support a novel paradigm wherein autocrine/paracrine EPO may regulate tumorigenesis of breast cancer via stimulating a small percentage of stem-like cancer cells or tumor-initiating cells. This mode of EPO action may explain why some studies reported in literature failed to demonstrate a pro-proliferative and pro-survival role of EPO in cancer cells when whole-populations of cancer cells were analyzed in these studies. source : http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/01/140106160121.htm

Development of a novel dual JAK/Src kinase inhibitor

The research article by Liu et al describes MLS-2384 which is a synthetic derivative of amarine natural product, 6-bromoindirubin-3′-oxime. MLS-2384 exhibits a dual JAK/Src kinase inhibitory activity, blocks downstream signaling into the STAT3 pathway, and has anti-cancer activity in various human cancer cell lines. These findings have important clinical implications for understanding the mechanisms of action of bromoindirubin derivatives. The findings also indicate that this new 6-bromoindirubin derivative, MLS-2384, has potential as an anti-tumor therapeutic agent targeting JAK and Src kinases upstream of STAT3 in a wide variety of human cancer cells…

New diagnostic, therapeutic techniques show potential for patients with metastasized melanoma

Malignant melanoma is the fifth most common cancer in men and the sixth most common cancer in women, and its incidence rate is increasing rapidly. It accounts for nearly 80 percent of all deaths related to cutaneous cancer. When discovered early, localized melanoma can be cured by surgical removal. However, this cancer displays a strong tendency to metastasize and has very low survival rates for patients, with fewer than five percent surviving longer than five years. …

Eight million lives saved since Surgeon General’s tobacco warning 50 years ago

The study used mathematical models to calculate the long-term effect of the seminal report, and subsequent anti-smoking measures, over the past half-century. These cumulative efforts have significantly reshaped public attitudes and behaviors concerning cigarettes and other forms of tobacco, note the researchers. First author Theodore R…

Research proposes alternative therapy against lung cancer

"It has been considered that the upturn in cases of lung cancer is possibly related to this particles," explains Patricia Gorocica from the INER, who, alongside her research team, has been working in an alternative therapy to boost the immune system of patients with this disease. The specialist adds that since several years ago is known that the immune system has all the mechanism to watch and destroy tumor cells as they develop, but sometimes this mechanisms are not effective for reasons associated to the tumor or alterations of the patients organism. Based in this principle, research at INER is directed to regulate the immune system against tumors. …

New technique targets specific areas of cancer cells with different drugs

"In testing on laboratory mice, our technique resulted in significant improvement in breast cancer tumor reduction as compared to conventional treatment techniques," says Dr. Zhen Gu, senior author of a paper on the research and an assistant professor in the joint biomedical engineering program at NC State and UNC-Chapel Hill. …

New cell mechanism discovery key to stopping breast cancer metastasis

"Genetic mutations do not drive this mechanism," said Alana Welm, PhD, senior author of the study, associate professor in the Department of Oncological Sciences, and an investigator at Huntsman Cancer Institute. "Instead, it’s improper regulation of when genes turn on and off." The new discovery focuses on a protein called RON kinase (RON), which signals some areas of tumor cell DNA to become active…

Novel non-invasive therapy prevents breast cancer formation in mice

The therapy emerged from a sophisticated effort to reverse-engineer gene networks to identify genes that drive cancer. The same strategy could lead to many new therapies that disable cancer-causing genes no current drugs can stop, and it also can be used to find therapies for other diseases…