Tag Archives: aaas

Regulation of cancer stem cell growth, survival

In this paper, the authors show evidence indicating the presence of autocrine/paracrine EPO in the conditioned medium of cultured breast cancer cells and a functional role of an EPO-EPOR autocrine/paracrine loop in regulating tumor cell invasion and migration, and the stem-ness of breast cancer cells. The data support a novel paradigm wherein autocrine/paracrine EPO may regulate tumorigenesis of breast cancer via stimulating a small percentage of stem-like cancer cells or tumor-initiating cells. This mode of EPO action may explain why some studies reported in literature failed to demonstrate a pro-proliferative and pro-survival role of EPO in cancer cells when whole-populations of cancer cells were analyzed in these studies. source : http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/01/140106160121.htm