Category Archives: Cancer News

Protein recent rejection of pancreatic cancer

Latest rejection of pancreatic protein, pancreatic exocrine adenocarcinoma of the common visceral malignancy in the second place, is the cause of death in the American Cancer fifth disease, gastrointestinal cancer deaths accounted for 1 / 5. Because the pancreas is located in retroperitoneum, making it difficult to get early treatment, however, the recent development of… Read More »

A hairless mole could be the key to curing cancer in humans

A hairless mole could be the key to curing cancer in humans The hairless mole or heterocéfalo (Heterocephalus glaber), which is actually a rat, is being studied by scientists in the United States because his body could hold the key to preventing cancer. The researchers found that this mammal about the size of a mouse… Read More »

The advantages of biological treatment of cancer

Biological treatment of tumors is mainly through the mobilization of the host's natural defense mechanisms or to give some substance the body produces naturally to get the anti-tumor effect. With the understanding of defense mechanisms against tumor depth and the rapid development of biotechnology, including the scope of the treatment period of biological and clinical… Read More »

What are the characteristics of cancer markers

Cancer marker refers to cancer tissues and cells as oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, cancer genes and other cancer-related genes and their products produced by abnormal expression of biologically active substances. Some specificity of a cancer such as prostate cancer specific antigen (PSA), also for a total of several forms of cancer, such as carcinoembryonic antigen… Read More »

Righting and Quxie Chinese principles of cancer

Righting and Quxie cancer medicine, the body the process of resistance is to fully mobilize the body's resistance, that is upright and disease, that is, the process of fighting evil, while the Chinese to a certain extent is in the adjustment of the body's resistance, making it strong and prosperous, to achieve the purpose of… Read More »

Apoptosis of tumor cells

Apoptosis of tumor cells is considered to be an active, cell mediated by the destruction process itself, different from necrosis. Known, the tumor cells is due to programmed cell growth and differentiation is blocked, and a die of the cells.Tumor cell apoptosis in recent years found that a variety of anticancer drugs can cause a… Read More »

What is the effect of tumor oxygen

"Tumor oxygen effect" refers to the oxygen in the rays and the role of organisms in the role, and its mechanism is still not completely clear. Experimental results show that tumor oxygen effect, as in the case of anaerobic organisms, the relative sensitivity is 1, with the sensitivity of the oxygen concentration increased gradually increase… Read More »

Experimental study of cancer prevention

How to prevent cancer? Attracting increasing attention of oncologists. A large number of experimental studies of cancer prevention and clinical observation have shown that the drug righting training role to prevent cancer. If people use Liu Wei Di Huang Tang severe esophageal epithelial hyperplasia (precancerous lesions) patients, the results of the treatment group significantly reduced… Read More »

Current treatment of pleural cancer

Limitations are mostly benign pleural mesothelioma, pleural cancer treatment should be surgical excision status, the majority of local recurrence after resection were not cured. Limitations can be used for local excision of malignant mesothelioma, but the prognosis is poor, a higher recurrence rate and metastasis rate. Basically, diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma treated without surgery. Pleural… Read More »

The difference between benign and malignant tumors

The difference between benign and malignant tumors is relative.According to the degree of harm to human body tumor, the relative area is divided into two types, namely benign and malignant tumors.The main difference between the following aspects:The difference between benign and malignant tumors (a) of theform and structure of the tumor1.Tumor morphology(1)Shape: the naked eye,… Read More »