Proliferation and metastasis of bladder cancer

By | November 17, 2011

Bladder cancer spread and metastasis 1. Bladder cancer spread directly to local invasion by the following three mechanisms:
block the spread of the most common, occurring in approximately 60% of the tumors, characterized by cell membrane lesion in primary education to move directly below the invasion;
tentacle-like invasion: incidence rate of 25% for the second common form of bladder cancer at the same time to the bladder wall cavity and infiltration;
both sides of the extension: the appearance of tumor cells in the normal extension of Bo under the membrane to both sides of the growth rate of about 10% of prostate involved up to 40%. Regret stifled because the lack of bladder muscle, bladder cancer Shu room to teach directly from the bladder to the bladder outside the film Invasion organization. Standing of such bladder tumor resection surgery, however, that the reserves have recently been less effective bladder surgery.
Proliferation and metastasis of bladder cancer 2. Metastasis of bladder cancer with metastatic spread of mainly two ways: that is spread through the lymphatic drainage system to the regional lymph node metastasis and hematogenous spread of distant metastasis. Bladder cancer can be taught through the membrane into the lower lamina propria and muscle layer, teaching and muscle layer of the lower membrane of tumor cells into the blood and lymph vessels and metastasis to local lymph nodes and (or) distant organs. Bladder cancer derived epithelial lymphatic spread to the transfer of the primary means of regional lymph nodes for the main features of local recurrence and late distant metastasis only occurs blood. Bladder cancer patients with pelvic lymph node metastases serious impact on the prognosis of survival, pelvic lymph node dissection is still the prevention and treatment of lymph node means. Bladder cancer, the most common sites of metastasis is the liver blood, spleen, bone Confucianism, intestine, etc., have affected the possibility of any organ.
Proliferation and metastasis of bladder cancer 3. Bladder cancer metastasis to the abdominal incision through the planting, peeling of the urinary tract epithelium, removal of the prostate fossa, urethral injury and metastasis. Metastasis often occurs in poorly differentiated tumors.
Bladder cancer more common in men, the incidence is 3-4 times higher than women, 50-70-year-old the highest incidence, accounting for 50%. About 90% of patients have symptoms of bladder cancer, there are very few patients are found incidentally in the census.
Proliferation and metastasis of bladder cancer, common symptoms are:
1. Hematuria and bladder cancer patients showed 80% mirrors without hematuria or gross hematuria, and often intermittent painless. Number of different amount of bleeding, hematuria, blood clots can occur in severe cases. When the urine stops can cause disease itself has more of the illusion, delays treatment.
2. Bladder irritation, 20% or more of the patients presented with urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria, bladder symptoms are often prompted to stimulate widespread carcinoma in situ or invasive bladder wall.
3. Dysuria, hydronephrosis, more common in the neck and posterior urethral tumor, rhabdomyosarcoma and other children. Difficulties in some patients caused by the violation of the ureteral orifice hydronephrosis, renal failure, may use this as the first symptom, the infection can cause hydronephrosis Edition urine, fever, sepsis.
4. Small number of patients can be expressed as paraneoplastic syndrome of hypercalcemia, hyperglycemia, in order for the performance of central blindness Troussear syndrome, fever and leukemia-like reaction, dermatomyositis, the clinical symptoms is rare.

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