The accumulation of phlegm in the throat usually occurs when you have a flu, a cold or an allergy, because in these situations it is common for the throat to swell causing mucus to accumulate. Some natural and easy methods to help get this mucus out is by increasing your water intake to fluidize the secretions and make it easier to get out or by drinking a lemon tea with honey.
Other easy methods that allow the exit of phlegm are:
1. Gargle with water and salt

Gargles are very easy to make and help to relieve throat irritation because salt helps attract more water to the throat walls, creating a barrier that in addition to hydrating also protects against dust that can cause more irritation in the throat. mucous
To make these gargles one should:
- Mix 1 tablespoon of salt in half a glass of warm water;
- Mix the water well until the salt dissolves completely;
- Place the mixture in the mouth and tilt the head back;
- Gargle with water for at least 30 seconds;
- Repeat the gargles until all the water is finished.
This technique generates a quick relief and, therefore, it can be used whenever there is discomfort 3 to 4 times per day.
2. Place eucalyptus essential oil on the chest

Eucalyptus essential oil is a natural way to release mucus that is trapped in the throat and open the airways, in addition to relieving irritation in the throat, improving the discomfort caused by the accumulation of secretions.
To use the essential oil, you should mix 3 to 4 drops in a teaspoon with coconut oil and then rub in the chest. At the beginning of this technique it can cause a slight coughing sensation, but with time it is reduced and relieves irritation and inflammation in the throat.
3. Drink lemon tea with honey

Lemon has the ability to break mucus molecules, making it more liquid and easier to eliminate. Already the honey helps to create a protective layer in the throat, thus reducing the irritation of the mucosa. In this way tea is an excellent way to relieve the feeling that something is stuck in the throat.
To take this home remedy, you should mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice with 1 cup of boiling water, then you should add 1 tablespoon of honey, mix and drink when it is lukewarm.
4. Honey syrup with watercress
An excellent home remedy to facilitate expectoration and help eliminate phlegm, is the homemade syrup of honey, watercress and propolis, which should be prepared as follows:
- 250 ml of pure watercress juice;
- 1 cup of honey bee tea;
- 20 drops of propolis extract.
Preparation method
Prepare 250 ml of watercress juice in the blender, then add 1 cup of honey and bring to a simmer until the mixture reaches the consistency of syrup. Allow the mixture to cool and add 5 drops of propolis.
It is recommended to take 1 scoop of this remedy 3 times a day, as long as the phlegm is maintained.
5. Syrup of Verbasco and Anise
This syrup in addition to facilitating expectoration, also helps reduce cough and throat inflammation, help lubricate and reduce irritation of the airways. To prepare you must:
- 4 teaspoons of verbasco extract;
- 4 teaspoons of almond or marshmallow root extract;
- 1 tablespoon of anise extract;
- 1 tablespoon of thyme extract;
- 4 teaspoons of plantain extract;
- 2 teaspoons of licorice extract;
- 100 ml of honey
The extracts to be used can be purchased at online stores or natural products stores.
Preparation method
Sterilize a glass bottle with a lid, add all the extracts and honey, mix well with a sterile spoon.
It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of this syrup 3 times a day, and it should be consumed up to 4 months after its preparation.
6. Altea syrup with honey
This syrup facilitates expectoration and has diuretic action, also helping to lubricate and reduce irritation of the respiratory tract. To prepare it, it is necessary:
- 600 ml of boiling water;
- 3.5 teaspoons of Altea or Marshmallow flowers;
- 450 m of honey.
Preparation method
Start by preparing a tea using the boiling water and flowers of Altea. For this, just place the flowers in a teapot and add the boiling water. Cover and leave resting during 10 minutes. After that time, strain the mixture and add the 450 ml of honey and bring to low heat. Leave the mixture on the fire for about 10 to 15 minutes and after this time remove and let cool.
It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of this syrup 3 times per day, according to the symptoms, according to the symptoms presented.
7. Make nebulizations with hot water

The nebulizations are excellent for moisturizing the mucosa of the throat, but also for fluidifying the secretions that are trapped in the throat, making them more easily eliminated.
To do this it is recommended:
- Place 1 to 2 liters of boiling water in a bucket;
- Place a towel over the head, covering the bucket also;
- Breathe the steam that comes out of the bucket.
However, nebulization can also be done with a nebulizer, in which the vapor is released directly into a face mask. In the water you can mix some drops of eucalyptus essential oil, to relieve irritation and reduce cough, if present.
Know 4 types of nebulizations that can be done to treat respiratory problems .
8. Drink 2 liters of water
Although it is a simpler advice, it is one of the most effective in relieving the phlegm accumulated in the throat, since it hydrates the secretions that are trapped, allowing them to be eliminated through the reflex caused by the cough. It does not necessarily have to be water, the important thing is the ingestion of liquids as such, being able to drink also teas or coconut water.
Possible causes of phlegm in the throat
Phlegm is caused by excess mucus in the throat, which can occur from irritation of the throat or allergy. Some of the most frequent causes are:
- Flu or cold;
- Allergy;
- Bronchitis;
- Inflammation of the larynx or pharynx;
- Sinusitis;
- Pneumonia.
So if the phlegm accumulated in the throat does not improve after 3 days you should go to the general practitioner or the pulmonologist, to identify if there is a problem that has to be treated with specific medications.
Some signs indicating that this accumulation is being caused by other problems and that it is necessary to go to the hospital are the presence of yellowish or greenish phlegm, difficulty breathing, sore throat or low fever.