External treatment of cervical cancer

By | April 30, 2012

External treatment of cervical cancer, (1) Mishina a gun: "Surgical authentic" side, by the alum, arsenic stone, realgar, frankincense composition. Processing of various drugs made by the appropriate drug section, insert the affected area. Treatment hemorrhoids, M. scrofulaceum, boils embolism. For early cervical cancer.
(2) Black-fold cream: 20 egg yolks, one set amount of hair and boil the oil, egg yolk oil 60g, plus gall l5g, borneol 60g, Sophora flavescens 15g, and mix thoroughly for external use. For cervical cancer was poisoning caused by damp, foul smell those local exudate.
(3) powder system cancer: Toad l5g, realgar 3g, white and l2g, the system arsenic 1.5g, alum 60g, purple sand 0.3g, thirty-seven 3g, anti-inflammatory powder 60g, joint research to fine topical. Toxic heat fraudulent claims for cervical cancer.
(4), Cervical pills (powder):
cervical Pill: The unprocessed 2lg, raw tuber 42g, arsenic 4.2g, realgar 60g, indigo 60g, ebony 90g, borax 60g, ocher l20g, light powder 6g, javanica 2lg, sand 50g.
powder: Brucea 4. Sg, unprocessed 4.5g, raw aconite 4. 5g, light powder 4. Sg, realgar 6g, indigo 9g, arsenolite 6g, sand 6g, ebony charcoal 15g, borneol 1. 5g, musk 3g.
powder: Blood 6g, calamine 6g, white and 6g, gall cast 90g, elephant skin 6g, indigo 6g, 15g dried alum
powder: Coptis 15g, Scutellaria 15g, Cork 15g, Radix 15g, borax 30g, dry alum 30g, borneol 1. 5g.
medicine line: Daphne root bark 15g, raw tuber 15g, white arsenic 1.5g. Amount of crude surgical suture. Oral pills a day 1 pill, 2 times service. Topical powder, cotton balls dipped in a little plug lesions, three alternate selection by the disease. One powder to promote Aikuai off, so that tissue repair powder II, III powder, infection control, drug giant cauliflower-type line used for ligation of cervical cancer.
External treatment of cervical cancer (5) vaginal washing medicine: pollen, Sophora, Cnidium, gentian, white wash outside Jianshui amount of fresh leather.

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