The treatment of habitual constipation – the regulation of eating habits

By | March 25, 2012

The regulation of diet constipation time to cultivate the habit of eating. Breaking the law and do not eat food without the bad habits. In particular, do not eat breakfast will get rid of bad habits. And long-term bedridden elderly people (such as brain tumors, cancer, fractures and on cancer patients, etc.), reduced their appetite in order to avoid bowel movements, but will increase the disease. Family and should be more people around to remind them, do not worry too much, can Tijia quality of life.
Regulation of constipation diet intake of dietary fiber to fully . We all know that if too little dietary fiber intake, can lead to constipation. With the social development, people's living standards, eat more and more sophisticated, more and more patients with constipation. Dietary fiber includes not only the fiber content in plants, or food only by people (the digestive enzyme is difficult to digest food in general.
Dietary fiber is a polymer, its physical characteristics are: retention, expansion; hinder expansion of the role; of ion exchange; adsorption of organic compounds and so on.
Dietary fiber on the physiological effects of the digestive tract: the volume will increase; food in the intestine by reducing the time; changes in intestinal flora; food digestion and absorption of nutrients down.
Using the characteristics of dietary fiber on patients with flaccid constipation eat foods rich in dietary fiber is effective and reasonable. However, the elderly and malnutrition (low nutrition) were concerned, not very good because the absorption of dietary fiber protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, easily lead to nutrient malabsorption, thereby increasing the disease. Therefore, dietary fiber, the situation should be used according to the patient for physical weakness, malnutrition, use of low dietary fiber foods.
That dietary fiber-rich foods, people first think of vegetables. But it is not, dietary fiber contained in vegetables is not very rich. Dietary fiber-rich foods include: beans, grains, taro, seaweed categories, such as Cumi, cereals, tofu, soybeans, konjac, fusiforme, Undaria, mushrooms and so on.
According to statistics, in Africa, the daily dietary fiber intake of 15 ravioli, 20-40 Western European countries, Japan, 30g. With our country's Westernized diet, dietary fiber intake is decreasing. In fact, the daily per capita intake of dietary fiber should be 30g as the standard, as appropriate no less than 20g.
Cellulose is beneficial to intestinal health is a basic food ingredient, cellulose can increase the volume of food debris and metabolic waste through the intestine. Patients with constipation are often recommended to eat high-fiber wheat cereal-based models breakfast. However, these foods are often too hard in cellulose is too rough, would irritate the delicate lining of the digestive tract. However, oats, fresh fruits and vegetables in the digestive tract stimulation of cellulose usually small. To ensure the best features of intestinal and adequate intake of fiber and trace elements, at least to eat 5 times / d of vegetables and fruits.
Diet therapy: the seaweed and sesame seeds on rice to eat is simple, as long as the seaweed, black sesame and white sesame seeds mixed with crushed to post. Sprinkle a teaspoon of each meal will produce unexpected results. Seaweed is rich in carotene-rich, B vitamins, calcium, defense, and iron and other elements, sesame seeds contain amino acids, vitamin E, fiber and various minerals, and food will help relieve constipation.
Try to eat apples with their skins. Apple is a fruit with the effect of intestines. There is a saying, eating an apple after dinner can promote bowel movement the next morning. This is due to the role of dietary fiber in apples, especially apple peel contains acid. Recommends people suffering from intractable constipation eat 4 – 5 / d, to prevent constipation eat an apple a day, and the skin should be cleaned to eat.
Constipation diet adjusted to fructose instead of sugar consumption: we know that bacteria can relieve constipation, in addition to access from outside to add other than declared, you can also use other methods to increase intestinal beneficial bacteria, beneficial bacteria that feed supplement as fructose ( onion, garlic and green onions in all contain fructose), it is a requirement of about 5 – 10g / d, so the intake from food alone is not enough, you may wish to fructose instead of sugar into tea or coffee consumption. Fructose directly into the large intestine, is the use of beneficial bacteria. If bacteria do not use organs will be excreted along with feces, so the intake of more do not worry.

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