Life care in patients with liver cancer

By | October 25, 2011

Today, advanced liver cancer treatment must be accompanied by supportive therapy to maintain the quality of life. Many doctors concerned about the application of anti-tumor scientific knowledge, but forget the emotional and psychological support is equally important. Without such support, advanced treatment methods may not reach the best therapeutic effect. As a doctor must always be well aware that their patients are with personal goals, dreams, hopes and cause of, and oncologists should be implemented not only the highest quality of liver cancer treatment, but also the lifestyle of each patient's disease influence to help patients return to normal or near normal life.
Liver cancer patients living in the nursing process, simply ask the patient "how are you feeling," not assess the quality of life of liver cancer patients an effective way. Assessment must consider the symptoms, treatment side effects, physiological function, psychological repression, social relationships, sexual function, self-image and treatment satisfaction and other issues. These problems are not fixed, but with the different stages of liver cancer, different time, and complications of the disease process or disability Taken change change, and therefore, there is no simple or single way to Pingding quality of life of cancer patients.
Life care in patients with liver cancer, liver cancer patient's treatment must not only for their disease, but also must address their social and psychological needs. If the treatment of liver cancer doctors can better forecast and monitor the quality of life of patients with the disease process, it is possible to avoid the use of large doses of toxic drugs, or even reduce surgical or hospitalization.
Liver cancer life care, in the four diagnostic of inquiry to include a very rich quality of life of the contents of the inquiry is different from the fundamental point of Western medicine diagnosis.

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