Evaluation standard chemotherapy

By | December 31, 2011

Doctors use several months to determine your treatment. Patients should undergo a medical examination, blood tests, X-ray examination. You can ask your doctor about your test results and progress of the disease that prompted the message. Under normal circumstances, people put very little side effects. The evaluation standard chemotherapy mainly in the following areas:
Evaluation standard chemotherapy (1) measurable lesion assessment:
complete remission (CR): tumor visible lesions completely disappeared after treatment, less than 4 weeks;
part of the twisted solution (PR): tumor visible lesions after treatment reduced sentence of more than 50% sustained remission more than 4 weeks or 4 weeks, while no new lesions;
tumor stabilization or no change (NC): After treatment, the tumor visible lesions not more than 50% of the tumor size, or increase to 25%;
tumor progression (PD): one or more lesions were treated more than 25% mass increase, or new lesions.
Evaluation standard chemotherapy (2) can not be measured lesion assessment:
complete remission: complete disappearance of all visible lesions at least 4 weeks;
partial response: tumor size of the estimated reduced 50%, duration less than 4 weeks;
No change: There were no significant changes in 4 weeks to maintain or increase the estimated tumor less than 25%, or less than 50% narrowing;
progress: the emergence of new lesions or lesions estimated increase 50%.
Evaluation standard chemotherapy (3) assessment of bone metastases therapy:
complete remission: after X ray or scan examination confirmed the lesions completely disappeared;
partial response: tumor reduced osteolytic destruction, calcification, or bone changes occur;
No change: no change in lesions after treatment for 8 weeks; progress: the increase of primary lesion or new lesions.

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