Anti-cancer drug side effects and nursing

By | January 1, 2012

Anti-cancer drug side effects and nursing 1. And nursing of digestive reaction
The most common are nausea, vomiting, anorexia, Shun lead, fluorouracil and so often happens in the administration of 1-6 hours duration from 24 hours to 1 weeks. Mainly because of drug or drugs to stimulate gastric mucosa caused by stimulation of the vomiting center. The extent of gastrointestinal reactions and drug type, dosage, drug delivery and patient psychological factors, physical related. Nursing should be noted:
injection, talk with the patient conscious, distract;
Before chemotherapy, prophylactic use of antiemetic 5 – Jing-color plastic antagonist; increase the dose of antiemetic agent, changing the timing, or a combination of antiemetic agents; encourage patients to eat at the appropriate time, for example, with chemotherapy morning 7:00 on the day of the advance of high-quality breakfast, 4-6 hours after chemotherapy is best not to eat, to eat at night.
Anti-cancer drug side effects and nursing 2. Anticancer drug-induced bone marrow suppression and care points:
drug concentration and time-related,
related with age, young people better bone marrow reserve;
and tumor burden (size)-related;
on the nutritional status of the patient;
with patients and renal function.
Bone marrow suppression manifested as bone marrow suppression components:
usually manifested initially granulocyte white blood cells, especially the reduction of white blood cells normally 7-10 days of chemotherapy treatment began to decline, the main risk is infection;
severe hemoglobin will be reduced, the patient may have anemia, hyperthyroidism card.
Anti-cancer drug side effects and nursing care, cancer care drug reaction points:
white blood cell count <4X 109 / L and platelet count <50X 109 / L, in principle, should not be given chemotherapy. If the white blood cell count <1X 109 / L, it is easy serious infection.
check every week or every blood before treatment, WBC less than 3X 109 / L, platelets less than 50 x 109IL-80 x 109IL, should be temporarily discontinued or extended course of treatment.
prevention of secondary infection, serious implementation of disinfection and isolation system to monitor body temperature changes.
Since the cells on the lower 1 x 109 / L should be taken to protect the isolation ward strict disinfection, and all use of materials, equipment can be used by the sterilization treatment, and a small number enter the new blood.
thrombocytopenia often bleeding tendency, to observe patients with and without gingival bleeding, petechiae, ecchymosis, with or without hematuria, blood in the stool and so on. Instruct patient not to pick your nose, when you need to use electric razors to shave his beard to prevent skin damage.
In addition to routine care, the patient can give moxibustion Ojo, Zusanli, 2 times a day, every point for 10 minutes, in order to increase patient resistance.

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