How to psychological care of cancer patients?

By | May 10, 2012

Mentioned earlier, cancer patients throughout the treatment, rehabilitation process, the more psychological changes associated with the larger, showing a variety of bad attitude, these psychological imbalance or barriers to treatment can directly affect the effectiveness and quality of life of patients with tumors therefore mental patients, care is very important.Psychological care of cancer patients do well on the psychological care of cancer patients is not only doctors, nurses, the work carried out, also need the patient's family and friends around to participate. It requires a more extensive knowledge of the nursing staff and used as medicine, sociology, psychology, ethics, philosophy and other knowledge to solve by the tumor and its treatment caused by the ideological and psychological contradictions and problems. So how nurses psychological care of cancer patients to do it?
First, early in the disease when patients give psychological support to more correctly guide their understanding of the disease. Many patients do not want to think they suffer from cancer, or even to misdiagnosis, after diagnosis, the patient wants to know what the disease is an early or late, whether it has spread metastasis. Skeptical of the treatment such as surgery can completely solve, chemotherapy, radiation therapy is effective if he could withstand any treatment. Worried about the future and follow the fate of individuals, the impact of the family, deliberations value of your life.
In particular, some weak, low mood in patients with advanced cancer, without family and community care is very prone to desperation. Then ask family and medical conditions to the rich language of the heart from the patient, behavioral characteristics to discover its inner activity, and give the necessary care and counseling to muster the confidence to overcome the disease of patients so that patients from a negative into a deep state of mind positive attitude.
Good psychological care of cancer patients, survival is the survival needs of human nature is the strongest for each cancer patient needs, they are eager to understand their condition requires clear understanding of their journey in life, how many times the value of life will continue as long as exists, such that they bear all the discomfort and the treatment of diseases. At this time patients need understanding and support of nurses to treat the patient should be warm, be patient, should take the initiative to address and try to meet their reasonable demands.
Good psychological care of cancer patients, cancer patients also need to be security, want to have a comfortable, quiet, the air smooth, sunny enabling environment needs to have excellent medical skills, attitude, kind, conscientious staff for their treatment. Therefore, skilled medical personnel should do business, proficiency, attitude and amiable, action neat, warm calm, serious work, and responsibility.
This reduces the patient's anxiety and fear, in which patients feel a sense of security and confidence to achieve the psychological stability of the treatment can play a positive role. Conversely, if a failure to meet the needs of safety, patients worried that the lack of protection of life, resulting in psychological crisis, treatment and rehabilitation of severely disadvantaged.
In addition to the interpersonal needs of patients should also be given attention. Physician-patient relationship is a relationship, the patient admitted to hospital after the beginning of the new relationships established, the people they care personnel need attention and understanding of hospitality hope to communicate ideas accordingly. Be patient organizations also hope the friendship and help and comfort, and close relatives and friends, so do not feel lonely, lonely. Increase in interpersonal intimacy, patients can reduce or forget the pain caused by disease, and can derive strength and disease resistance.
Should be mutual respect between people, each person would like others to respect its own personality, cancer is no exception, but to do the psychological care of cancer patients. They not only sympathy, concern and care, a greater need for understanding and respect, which is in the psychological rehabilitation of cancer patients, is also essential.

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