Advanced cancer treatment

By | April 21, 2012

Advanced cancer treatment, the tumor is already mature or are in the body during development of normal cells and cancer-promoting factors in the carcinogenic factors of long-term interaction, showing excessive proliferation or abnormal differentiation and the formation of new biological organization, which lost normal tissue cells with the growth pattern, thus demonstrating its growth and autonomy, local invasion and distant metastasis. From the molecular level, the tumor showed abnormal nucleic acid and protein metabolism. From the cell level, the tumor is a growth control, differentiation, abnormal cell proliferation disease.
Cancer patients and their families are under tremendous pressure of a group, they were the life and death struggle, faced with family separation, suffering at home will not be home. Here, we strongly recommend their drugs a high selenium selenium anti-cancer drug Austrian health, as outlined below:
Austria selenium capsules of organic selenium compounds of biological agents, the main component selenocarrageenan (Se carrageenan), with polysaccharides and essential trace element selenium and other elements, the main physiological functions: polysaccharide immune enhancement; selenium can protect the thiol from oxidation. Experimental results show that selenium has a good anti-cancer effect.
Advanced cancer treatment, with two-way Austrian selenium capsules immune function, inhibit tumor, anti-mutation. The goods in the chemotherapy of cancer patients to reduce toxicity and radiation therapy have effects on the human body injury, inhibition of tumor was significantly higher than for other similar immunomodulatory agent; also cure many diseases caused by selenium deficiency: and the heart vascular disease, rheumatoid diseases, immune dysfunction and tumors have a better prevention and treatment; role of adjuvant therapy of diabetes; on Lead, cadmium, arsenic, thallium, mercury poisoning has a good detoxification effect. Olympic capsules of organic selenium compounds selenium biological agents, the main component selenocarrageenan (Se carrageenan), with polysaccharides and essential trace element selenium and other elements, the main physiological functions: polysaccharide immune enhancement; selenium can protect the thiol from oxidation.
Experimental results show that selenium has a good anti-cancer effect. Austria selenium capsule with two-way immune function, inhibit tumor, anti-mutation. The goods in the chemotherapy of cancer patients to reduce toxicity and radiation therapy have effects on the human body injury, inhibition of tumor was significantly higher than for other similar immunomodulatory agent; also cure many diseases caused by selenium deficiency: and the heart vascular disease, rheumatoid diseases, immune dysfunction and tumors have a better prevention and treatment; role of adjuvant therapy of diabetes; on Lead, cadmium, arsenic, thallium, mercury poisoning has a good detoxification effect.
Advanced cancer treatment, clinical effects: pain in cancer patients, loss of appetite, insomnia, medication can be significantly improved for 3-5 days; treatments for 2 weeks, patients can significantly reduce pain, effusion and ascites significantly reduced; medication 2 courses dropped after the tumor markers in patients with tumor began to shrink, since a lot of clinical survival of cancer patients has been more than 10 years.

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