Cachexia drug therapy

By | April 25, 2012

Cachexia drug therapy, drug therapy is mainly used for still capable of eating disorders in patients with significant absorption nor the purpose of mobilization of appetite, improve digestive function. Commonly used drugs are:
1. Cachexia gastrointestinal drugs have two major clinical symptoms: anorexia and nausea, thereby significantly reduced food intake of patients. Therefore the treatment should be for the two main symptoms, and these two symptoms may be related to gastrointestinal autonomic nerve function impairment related. Gastric motility and therefore we must first try drugs, drugs that promote gastric emptying, and then choose their drugs. Therefore, use of metoclopramide (metoclopramide), you Ding (domperidone), and other gastrointestinal drugs, may have better results.
2. Glucocorticoid hormones used to stimulate the adrenal cortex of patients with advanced tumors appetite, improve the general situation is more common in a clinic in the segment, but so far has not been a clear indication of drug use and dose coverage. More commonly used oral dexamethasone, each 0.75-1.5 mg, 2 times a day, 2 dose at 12 noon, evening not to affect sleep. The drugs on the weak and needs of patients with anti-inflammatory painkillers (such as bone metastases) is particularly suitable, but diabetes, peptic ulcer patients unfit for use. Side effects of dexamethasone remain liquid AIDS, mental status changes, severe symptomatic treatment is required. Long-term use, the addition of ranitidine 0.15g, before bedtime, can significantly reduce the incidence of peptic ulcer. Cancer patients in the autopsy, adrenal cortical atrophy was seen only in dexamethasone treatment for 4 months or more, while the incidence of gastric ulcer was 11% in patients without dexamethasone also has 6%. Visible for the cachexia patients, dexamethasone, and not worrying serious side effects.
3. Progestin breast cancer patients using megestrol acetate (MA) treatment, weight gain can occur, appetite improved significantly. To megestrol acetate for the treatment of cachexia, but also get good results, the patients nutritional status and quality of life greatly improved. Of hormone-dependent tumors may also have anti-tumor effect of hormone-dependent tumors, not worse. Usually dose 160mg / day, 30% effective. The results show that the daily 160 – 800mg and appetite and energy intake between the positive dose-response relationship was. If you expand to 10 times the dose of 96% of the patients effectively. Jing can also use a progesterone (MPA), are usually dose 0.25-0.5g / sub 1-2 times / day. Side effects of progesterone little common is a slight step on the Ministry of edema and elevated blood sugar. But there was abnormal liver function, history of deep vein thrombosis, required the control of high blood sugar hypoglycemic agents, and congestive heart failure, this class of drugs used with caution.
Cachexia drug therapy, 4. Protein anabolic hormones can be used as appetite enhancers, are commonly used Nandrolone phenylpropionate and so on, these drugs are protein assimilation, and with the use of nutritional support.
5. Antidepressants useful in depressed patients, but not as a routine, because these drugs can reduce their appetite, and have more side effects in other areas.
6. Dilute hydrochloric acid, digestive enzymes on the various causes of gastrointestinal digestive disorders useful.
7. Cyproheptadine is an antihistamine that (anti-5 – Jing-HT), for the treatment of allergic disease, but in clinical use, found it an effective non-cancer patients with anorexia can increase appetite, weight gain. It was suggested that cancer patients in the trial. Dose of 8mg / time, 3 times / day, orally.
8. THC (rne) THC is an anti-vomiting drugs, when used for treatment of patients found to stimulate the appetite, vomiting effect. A clinical trial showed that the oral administration of a very good appetite, weight gain effect. To 2.5mg / time, 3 times / day, orally 1 h after the meal. THe role of excitement there, and therefore a slight depression, but still without the use of antidepressants, especially for patients. Side effects include: dizziness, drowsiness, fluid retention, such as the elderly more common. The drugs can cause nausea, if necessary, should be discontinued.
Cachexia drug therapy, 9. Other drug treatment of cachexia associated with advanced liver cancer patients often have pain and depression, thus giving painkillers and antidepressants help to improve the mental state of patients, increase appetite. However, morphine caused motility drugs and antidepressants reduce anorexia and other adverse reactions caused by need attention.

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