The main clinical symptoms of prostate cancer

By | October 16, 2011

Incidence of prostate cancer, the main part of the posterior capsule gland. Therefore, the general to the late stage prostate cancer showed symptoms. A clinical phase of the disease often asymptomatic and B, C of obstructive symptoms occur, and D have symptoms of both obstructive symptoms of distant metastasis. Common clinical symptoms before prostate cancer has the following three main groups:
The main clinical symptoms of prostate cancer (1) obstructive symptoms: prostate cancer, bladder neck obstruction symptoms and benign prostatic hyperplasia is almost no difference, expressed as urine flow is slow, urgency of urination, interrupted urine flow, urination different, frequent urination, severe when cause urinary dribbling and urinary retention. There are two points during the blocking of clinical significance:
disease progresses, and the progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia different from the slow.
hematuria is not common. It should be noted that the first symptoms of prostate cancer is not usually urethral obstruction is more common and the local spread of bone metastasis symptoms. Only in the advanced cancer was caused by violation of glands around the urethra obstruction symptoms.
The main clinical symptoms of prostate cancer (2) transfer of the symptoms: When the tumor invasion to the capsule and the surrounding lymphatic vessels around the nerve, may occur perineal pain and sciatica. D on bone pain are common symptoms in the lumbar and pelvic generous Department of persistent pain, more intense when in bed; rectal involvement can be manifested as defecation difficulty or colonic obstruction; violations of the current prostate cancer can occur when the membranous urethra of urine incontinence; other transfer of lower extremity symptoms of edema, swollen lymph nodes, subcutaneous metastatic nodules, pathologic fractures.
The main clinical symptoms of prostate cancer (3) systemic symptoms: systemic symptoms of weight loss, fatigue, fever, progressive anemia, cachexia, or renal failure.

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