Overview of breast cancer

By | May 8, 2012

Overview of breast cancer, breast cancer is ductal epithelial cells of breast cancer in a variety of internal and external factors that effect, the cells lose their normal characteristics of dysplasia, which exceeds the limits of self-repair and cancerous diseases. The main clinical manifestations in breast tumors. Breast cancer is one of the most common malignancy of women. With a high incidence, rather invasive, but slow progression. Natural survival and long, belonging to the medical breast tumor "of the Rock" and other areas.
Breast cancer is a major cancer women's health hazards, about 120 million women worldwide each year of breast cancer, 50 million women died of breast cancer. North America, Northern Europe is the high incidence of breast cancer, the incidence rate is about Asia, Africa, Latin America 4 times. Although it is low in China in areas of breast cancer, but its incidence is increasing year by year, especially Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin and coastal areas is the high incidence of breast cancer, with Shanghai the highest incidence of breast cancer in Shanghai in 1972 was 20.1 / 10 million, compared to 28/10 million in 1988, is the first female malignancy in 2.
Breast cancer occurs mainly in women, men rarely, women's incidence rate for men in recent times.
Overview of breast cancer, etiology, factors associated with the etiology of breast cancer are more common risk factors;
1, age at menarche, age at menopause, age of first birth.
2, the family history.
3, benign breast disease.
4, dietary factors and obesity.
5, endocrine factors and hormones.
6, the ionizing radiation.
7 bad habits.
8, virus infection.
Type of organization
1. Non-invasive cancer
1) ductal carcinoma in situ
2) lobular carcinoma in situ
2. Early invasive
1) early invasive ductal carcinoma
2) early invasive lobular carcinoma
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