Esophageal cancer chemotherapy drug fluorouracil Notes

By | March 20, 2012

Fluorouracil Note (1) reduction indication
generally poor, protein consumption or absorption disorders.
extensive liver metastases and associated jaundice.
have received extensive pelvic radiation were.
extensive pelvic metastasis.
in the past has repeatedly used chemotherapy patients.
adrenal insufficiency and adrenal or pituitary done in the past resection.
Oral response to the gastrointestinal tract weight, and less impact on the bone marrow; intravenous single injection, a variety of toxic reactions heavier. Medication should be closely observed during the 5-FU toxicity, if there is serious gastrointestinal reactions and bone marrow suppression, withdrawal should be considered.
Note fluorouracil (2) withdrawal index
diarrhea more than 5 times a day or bloody diarrhea.
a leukocyte reduced 3X109 / L, platelets were down to 80X109 / L, and the sharp decline in blood of patients.
neurological symptoms.
severe mucositis and pigmentation evident in patients.
Nausea, vomiting, eating less can, savings in the body caused by drugs, more emphasis on a variety of toxic effects, and thus should pay attention to urine output during medication, adults need to 1500ml/24h above.
Note fluorouracil (3) route of administration should be as required: superficial tumors such as basal cell carcinoma, the use of topical ointment or cream is better; cervical cancer injection to do a better effect; gastrointestinal tract cancers, especially liver cancer, in order to better oral administration; head and neck cancer, liver cancer , malignant pelvic arterial infusion line better; choriocarcinoma intravenous drug delivery method often used to better effect.
Fluorouracil Note (4) 5-FU toxic, should be strictly controlled doses, for patients with obesity or edema, can be calculated based on the amount of weight. Liver function with caution or disabled. 5-FU by the liver metabolism, decomposition, by the kidneys and respiratory discharges, and thus pre-treatment need to understand the liver, kidney function, or it may cause serious toxic reactions, and in every period before the investigation of liver and renal function and blood and so on, such as normal then Start the next cycle.

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