What is the treatment of liver cancer-oriented

By | October 25, 2011

Liver cancer liver cancer directed therapy is the antibody affinity or compounds as "carrier", or through physical action-oriented (eg, magnetic), or by characteristics of tumor blood vessels oriented (such as the shy oil), and then with anti-tumor effect of a " warheads "(radionuclides, chemotherapeutic drugs, toxin proteins or cytokines, etc.) traded conjugate system in order to achieve higher anti-tumor and less damage to the body's purpose.
Liver cancer therapy vector of choice-oriented: the tumor-oriented non-antibody carriers is divided into two major categories of antibodies.
(1) antibody carrier: In-oriented therapy, the antibody most commonly used vector. If the tumor cell surface growth factor receptor, tumor specific antigens as targets, apply the relevant antibodies as carrier, can directly act on cancer cells, thereby preventing or inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.
(2) non-antibody carriers: carriers of such vector per antibody immune response, and thus be taken seriously. Current research or have been under study include: tumor blood vessels oriented (eg, shy of the oil), the pro-tumor compounds (such as the fluorescent dye rhodamine EDDA, PMT, CCT, etc.), physical orientation (such as magnetic beads), liposomes, and immune liposomes and so on.
Oriented treatment of liver cancer warhead options: including radionuclides, chemicals, toxic protein, also are useful for BRM.
(1) of radionuclides: radionuclide as a warhead in order to monoclonal antibodies directed MAb as the carrier of the treatment, called radioimmunotherapy (RAIT).
Effective range of radionuclide-ray, up to 50 or more cancer cells in diameter, with carriers around the cancer cells without also killing effect element to be able to play in the process of killing effect, and the heterogeneity of cancer cells or not inhomogeneity, it is oriented in the treatment of cancer plays an important role. Currently used for the treatment of liver cancer radionuclide directed mainly: 1311,1251, gOY, 188Re and so on. Among the most commonly used 1311. Nuclides for the warhead but surviving in the shielding.
(2) Chemical substances: chemical substances for the warhead, MAb as carrier-oriented treatment, known as the immune chemotherapy. The effect of inferior RAIT, but the physical and chemical properties of chemicals, metabolism, pharmacological effects and toxicity are clearly the source convenience, unlimited use, easy application. lCT anti-tumor effect of chemotherapy have more advantages than a simple: by targeting the drug can be accumulated in the tumor site, killing a large role to play, and less likely to cause systemic side effects; drugs in the tumor area with inventory effects, slow release, the role of a long time; carrier on the role of tumor-associated antigens, can promote the process of drug molecules to improve drug efficacy. Warhead commonly used drugs: ADM or EADM, MMC, DDP, CP ,5-FU, MTX and so on.
(3) toxins: MAb-conjugate drugs enter the body, combined with the small number of tumor cells, it was estimated that only 1% of the MAb input can reach the tumor site, and to kill tumor cells often require a considerable number of drug molecules Therefore, drugs directed to effectively kill tumor cells can not. Highly virulent plant bacterial toxin or toxins, in the following 10 elements, that can kill a cancer cell, the toxin and antibody cross-linked immunotoxin conjugates into its anti-tumor effects will be much larger than the immuno-chemotherapy drugs. Commonly used toxin warheads are: contempt Ma toxins, toxins and leave from the list of packages throat bacteria toxins. Because toxin A chain from the Ma sugar residues can be combined with the normal liver cells, causing liver damage, was developed to sugar based smear Ma toxin A chain, but its still a lot of side effects, limiting its application.

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