4 types of Nebulizations for Sinusitis

By | August 17, 2018

Nebulizations are a great home treatment for sinusitis, whether acute or chronic, dry or with secretion, as it helps to humidify the airways and fluidify secretions, clearing the airways, thus facilitating breathing.

It should be done 2 to 3 times a day for approximately 15 to 20 minutes and preferably in the morning or before bedtime.

Misting can be done with steam from the shower water, steam from herbal tea like eucalyptus. However, the one that is usually more effective is the nebulization with saline solution.

Misting with shower water

Misting with shower water
Misting with herbal tea

Misting with herbal tea

So 4 excellent ways to do a nebulization to cure sinusitis faster are:

1. Misting with shower water 

An excellent form of home treatment for sinusitis is the nebulization with the shower water. It is only necessary to lock yourself and sit in the bathroom and let the hot shower water generate a lot of steam, breathing that air without having to get wet.

It is important that this procedure be done for approximately 15 minutes, several times a day. The relief of symptoms is immediate and can help the patient to fall asleep more easily because it also helps to relax. 

But this is not an economic procedure, since a lot of water is spent. In addition to this, if the bathroom is properly cleaned and if it has mold this procedure is contraindicated because of the risk of breathing fungi and bacteria harmful to the body that can aggravate sinusitis. 

2. Misting with herbal tea 

The inhalation of herbal vapor is also another form of natural treatment for sinusitis, which manages to alleviate its symptoms, bringing a better quality of life.

Just prepare a tea of ​​chamomile, eucalyptus or orange peel with lemon, wait until it is a little warm and then inspire the steam that emanates tea for about 20 minutes. It is necessary to be careful not to inspire very hot air, which is harmful to the airways, and may even cause burns in these tissues.

A good way is to place the tea in a bucket, place it on a table and sit on the chair, leaning slightly forward to inspire steam.

3. Nebulization with physiological saline 

The nebulization with saline is a great homemade recipe in the treatment of sinusitis, since in addition to facilitating breathing, it can be used for the administration of inhaled medications prescribed by the doctor such as the Berodual, for example.


How to do nebulization with saline

How to do nebulization with saline

To do nebulization at home, place 5 to 10 ml of saline in the nebulizer cup, place the mask near the nose and then breathe in that air. Keep your eyes closed and be seated or reclining comfortably in a bed.

This nebulization can be done for 20 minutes or until the serum is finished. It is not recommended to do the nebulization lying down, due to the risk of aspiration of the secretions.

4. Nebulization with medication

The nebulization with Berodual, for example, or another bronchodilator drug must be diluted with saline, however, the amounts used should be prescribed by the doctor because they vary with age and the disease to be treated.

Misting with Vick VapoRub can also be done by placing 2 teaspoons of Vick in a bucket with 500 ml of hot water and inhaling the steam. However, its use should only be done under the guidance of the doctor because in some cases, the Vick may increase nasal mucus or inflame the airways.

When it should not be nebulized

There are no contraindications for this type of nebulization and it can be done in babies, children, adults and even during pregnancy. However, the doctor should be advised whenever he uses medicinal plants in the treatment of sinusitis, due to the risk of drug interaction and toxicity.

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