How to Treat Primary Liver Cancer

By | December 4, 2011

Primary liver cancer often hidden, more applications in the medical screening of AFP and B-ultrasonic examination accidentally discovered, this time not only asymptomatic patients, physical examination, the tumor itself is also a lack of signs, this period is called sub-clinical liver cancer. Once symptoms of the disease from most of its hospitals are already into the middle and late. At different stages of liver cancer, the patient's symptoms are different then the primary liver cancer treated? Common symptoms are the following.
1, the main symptoms: liver pain, indigestion, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, general weakness, fever,
2, tumor metastasis syndrome: lower extremity edema, local pain, fractures, paralysis, brain herniation and so on.
3, endocrine or metabolic abnormalities: such as spontaneous hypoglycemia, polycythemia, hyperlipidemia
Liver cancer treatment needs to be done with advanced laboratory examination items are:
1. Serology: AFP, r-GT isozyme, alpha-fetoprotein heterogeneity (Fuc AFP), abnormal prothrombin, serum fucosidase.
2. Imaging: real-time ultrasound imaging, CT, magnetic resonance imaging, angiography.
3. Liver biopsy or cytology
Primary liver cancer treated? Any treatment of primary liver cancer patients should be to prolong the survival time and improve quality of life of patients and the primary purpose of evaluation. Treatment of liver cancer patients should be considered in the body status, tumor cases, liver function reserves and the economic ability of the patient, careful choice treatment.
Generally believed that, on a small sub-clinical liver cancer or liver cancer, such as the liver function reserve is good, should strive to surgical resection, but with severe cirrhosis, liver atrophy was who should be careful. For unresectable small liver cancer, possible percutaneous hepatic artery chemoembolization or radiofrequency ablation with intratumoral injection of absolute alcohol and other topical treatment.
Good liver function reserve should strive to eradicate large liver resection. The combined result of more severe cirrhosis or liver tissue remaining after removal of small and can not tolerate radical resection should be removed using two programs, by one or more percutaneous hepatic artery embolization, the first to shrink the tumor, removed for two .
Associated with portal vein tumor thrombus in patients, do not easily give up treatment, if we give up the treatment and prone to bleeding esophageal varices, liver failure, refractory ascites or tumor with spontaneous rupture, resulting in rapid deterioration of the disease within months or death. This part of the patients, if the tumor can be removed and viable tumor resection or portal vein portal vein stump, branch and cut embolectomy. Resection of the tumor can not be considered the hepatic artery and portal vein cannulation, but not ligation of hepatic artery. Those who can not tolerate surgical exploration of feasible and radiofrequency ablation, B ultrasound-guided percutaneous portal vein chemotherapy or percutaneous portal vein catheter chemotherapy feasible percutaneous hepatic arterial chemotherapy and embolization in the treatment are advised to be used with caution.
After radical resection of HCC recurrence or liver metastasis occurs when a single lung, re-excision should be a positive line, not feasible or desirable to a variety of local treatment of resection. Intraperitoneal cultivation of surgical resection can be, for the prevention of intestinal obstruction, intestinal perforation and other complications should also be considered planted rows or combined resection of bowel tumor resection.
Primary liver cancer treated? In summary, the early liver resection should be sooner or later, those who preferred unresectable hepatic artery chemoembolization. Advanced liver cancer with Chinese herbal medicine and Western-based comprehensive treatment is likely to improve symptoms and prolong survival. Directed therapy has achieved initial success, gene therapy has prospects in sight.

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