Gallbladder susceptible

By | May 5, 2012

Gallbladder susceptible population, (1) hepatitis B patients: epidemiological statistics show that hepatitis B is endemic areas are often areas of high incidence of liver cancer, Tang, who had hepatitis B had hepatitis B than in those who did not suffer chance of liver cancer more, the risk of up to 10.7 times. Some scholars believe that the way the hepatitis B virus cause liver cancer is due to prior hepatitis B virus causing hepatitis, hepatitis and lead to hardening of the government, the liver cell dysplasia, and then develop into liver cancer; while some scholars believe that chronic hepatitis without cirrhosis can be a direct result of the occurrence of liver cancer. However, the somewhat different point of view they are the same, ie = hepatitis B virus may be many factors of human liver cancer starts in the main factors.
(2) = long-term consumption of food contaminated by moldy food, foods containing nitrite in food and the lack of trace elements in the sun is an important factor in liver cancer trigger.
(3) addicted to tobacco and alcohol alcohol addiction who were paid z, a high incidence of liver cirrhosis, and liver cirrhosis and liver cancer and very close. If we increase the amount of smoking, it will accelerate, increasing the formation of liver cirrhosis, the incidence of liver cancer.
(4) male: male patients suffering from liver cancer significantly more than women. Under normal circumstances, liver, male to female ratio 3_4: 1, that is, the number of male and female patients with hepatocellular carcinoma 3_4 times. Why does the male liver cancer high-risk groups.
(5) in the elderly: most of the high incidence of liver cancer after 40 years of age, this is due to the role of carcinogenic factors need to have a cumulative process, a process of years or even decades. Therefore, patients with liver cancer in the elderly mostly 50_60 is a high incidence between the ages of ages. In addition, the occurrence of liver cancer and related immune function decline. People to middle age, the thymus gradually shrink, and therefore closely related to the endocrine cells in the thymus immune function also gradually weakened, the body can not effectively exclude abnormal cells, cancer also took the opportunity to germinate.
There is no exact explanation. However, many medical experts that the body of the female liver cancer of estrogen on certain risk factors have a certain antagonism.
The relationship between viral hepatitis and liver cancer mainly hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV). Close relationship between the occurrence of liver cancer, the following evidence: the blood of most patients with liver cancer can be detected in HBV or HCV markers. Markers of HBV-positive patients with liver cancer 90%, anti-HCV-positive only about 10%. Japanese and European Zeyi hepatitis C based. susceptible gallbladder epidemiological data show that: people with liver cancer in hepatitis B positive rate of mortality. Infected with both hepatitis B and hepatitis C, liver cancer incidence rate increased significantly. hepatitis B positive patients the risk of liver cancer is the negative 10_50 times. recently found a virus called HBV X gene to the liver cell gene expression changes induced cancer. This shows that hepatitis B and C are related not only to liver cancer, but also very close, for the study of liver cancer causes, prevention and treatment are important.

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