The clinical manifestations of brain tumors

By | April 30, 2012

The clinical manifestations of brain tumors, according to the clinical manifestation of intracranial tumors pathologic type, tumor site where the differ, the symptoms can be divided into symptoms of increased intracranial pressure, localized symptoms and epileptic seizures lame.
(1) symptoms of increased intracranial pressure: intracranial tumors can produce this symptom, mainly due to the increased intracranial pressure. Headache, vomiting, papilledema.
headache: often the early symptoms to the early morning and evening to wake up from sleep occur more frequently, mainly in the amount of Ying Department, and may be involved in posterior orbital. The beginning of many headaches for the intermittent, with the growth of tumors, and gradually become persistent headache, and gradually increased. When hard, cough, increased pain when playing a solemn feast spray, headache caused by intracranial hypertension is first of all, the acute increase of intracranial pressure can be very severe headache and vomiting, restlessness.
vomiting: the vagus nerve irritation caused by jet-like features, and diet per pass, before the vomiting multiple evil JU.
papilledema: increased intracranial pressure prevented retinal venous return, the first caused by retinal vein dilation was followed by optic disc edema. A long time, can lead to optic nerve atrophy, optic see pale, vision loss, visual field concentric narrowing, and finally blindness.
hernia: a brain tumor the most serious complications are common clinical hernia tentorial notch and foramen magnum cancer. The former represents a sudden deterioration in condition, coma, sleeping hole dilated ipsilateral, contralateral limb paralysis, decerebrate rigidity, blood pressure, and finally breathing, cardiac arrest. The latter are mostly due to infratentorial tumors, acute by the medulla oblongata compression, resulting in a sudden stop breathing, loss of consciousness, who have certain chronic forced head position.
Other: diplopia, vision loss, dizziness, memory loss, mood apathetic, unresponsive, blood pressure, confusion and even coma.
The clinical manifestations of brain tumors, (2) local symptoms brain tumor or cranial nerve stimulation, oppression or destruction can produce corresponding symptoms, have orientation significance.
movement disorders: the brain caused by tumors precentral gyrus frontal cortex motor area damage often caused incomplete paralysis, the degree of paralysis of the upper and lower shares not the same as paralysis can also occur alone. When the tumor involving the internal capsule, there three partial symptoms. Brainstem tumors showed ipsilateral cranial nerve palsy and contralateral hemiplegia, paralysis of the so-called cross-cutting. Involving the motor area when the front of the phenomenon can be seen grasping reflex, and groping.
sensory disability: sensory area in parietal cortex tumors, often leads to cortical sensory dysfunction, including shape, weight and feels like. Thalamic tumors showed partial body sensory impairments.
mental disorders: tumors were associated with psychiatric symptoms occurred in the frontal lobe and the Yen, the former showed apathy, lack of concentration, memory and mental deterioration, personality changes, an excitable, euphoric and childish, etc.; the latter showed memory disorders, mood swings, irritability.
aphasia: dominant hemisphere occurred in the language center, in the amount of performance for the next post Huibu motor aphasia; Ying, who was on the back after the sensory; Yen named after and parietal lobes of the lower part; parietal lower left corner Back to the tumor can be seen alexia, agraphia; left back to the top of the tumor may appear on the leaf margin acalculia.
vision of change: the side of the optic nerve damage can produce the side view of the blind; tumor of the optic chiasm see double-Yen hemianopsia, optic tract contralateral future performance of the same sexual hemianopia; occipital lobe with contralateral tumor is often anisotropic hemianopia, but the central visual field there.
sella tumor of the performance: common is the pituitary adenoma, the main symptoms of optic nerve and chiasm compression symptoms and pituitary dysfunction, which manifested as sexual dysfunction and physical developmental disorders. When the tumor involving the hypothalamus can cause neurological disorders, metabolic and autonomic functions, such as obesity, lethargy, temperature regulation disorders, organ atrophy, diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, abnormal blood pressure and pulse.
performance of pineal tumors: can have eyes on the visual barriers, blocks hole reflex and hearing impairment quadrigeminal other symptoms, usually manifested precocious puberty in children.
the performance of small brain tumors: general performance of the ataxia, and dyssynergia of movement disorders, ataxia, nystagmus, rotation movement can not, muscle hypotonia, identified from the too wide and so on.
The clinical manifestations of brain tumors, symptoms of brain stem damage: brain stem is damaged on one side, there will be "cross-resistance syndrome", that is, ipsilateral cranial nerve damage, paralysis or contralateral central conduction sensory impairments.

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