Clinical signs of liver cancer

By | October 18, 2011

Clinical signs of liver cancer after years of observation are the following:

Clinical signs of liver cancer (1) hepatomegaly: liver large is the main signs of primary liver cancer, liver enlargement mostly progressive, hard texture, surface uneven, with nodules, or massive, blunt the edge of not neat, often varying degrees of tenderness.
HCC clinical signs (2) yellow disease: yellow liver disease usually occurs in late yellow mostly obstructive disease, a small number of liver cells of yellow disease. The former is often due to compression or invasion of bile duct cancer or metastatic hilar lymph node enlargement and caused obstruction of common bile duct caused by compression; the latter may be due to widespread infiltration of the liver cancer or cirrhosis of the liver or the coexistence of chronic active hepatitis caused.
Clinical signs of liver cancer (3) ascites: ascites as signs of advanced liver cancer, usually yellow exudate, often bloody ascites Department of peritoneal infiltration or nodules are caused by bleeding. Sometimes even abdominal swelling, ascites, abdominal pain associated with rapid growth, the main percussion to drum sounds, commonly known as high-tension, ascites, often due to portal vein or hepatic vein tumor thrombus due.
Clinical signs of liver cancer (4) liver vascular murmur: liver vascular murmur is characteristic signs of liver cancer, liver tumors at the site corresponding to hear hair-like noise, more common in large liver cancer, may be due to tumor compression or distortion of a huge hepatic artery or celiac artery caused.
(5) signs of cirrhosis: portal hypertension and liver cirrhosis or cancer can occur when violations of the portal vein splenomegaly, ascites, abdominal varicose veins, in addition, may also have liver palms, spider swelling of the liver, subcutaneous bleeding, male breast development, signs of lower extremity edema.
Clinical signs of liver cancer (6) Budd-Chian syndrome: liver cancer involving the portal vein and hepatic vein, can the formation of thrombus, which can also lead to hepatic vein obstruction, causing a high degree of sinusoidal dilatation and haemorrhagic necrosis, may have hepatomegaly , ascites and lower leg edema, such as performance, clinical not uncommon, but because of the sub-acute process, it can not wait for the formation of abdominal wall collateral circulation, many patients have died.
(7) metastases signs: hepatic metastasis to lung, lymph nodes, bone, brain is the most common.

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