What are the symptoms of advanced liver cancer

By | October 14, 2011

Common symptoms of advanced liver cancer are as follows:
A common symptom of advanced liver cancer, liver pain and sadness:
Most patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with liver pain and sadness as the first symptom, occurring in more than 50%. Liver pain and sadness are generally located under the right costal department or xiphoid, the nature of pain and sadness for the intermittent or persistent pain. Dull pain or tingling, pain and sadness for some time before the patient can feel the right upper quadrant abdominal discomfort. Pain and sadness can be when light weight or short-term relieve itself. The main causes of pain and sadness is the rapid increase of the tumor, oppression liver capsule, resulting in referred pain can also be stimulated by tumor necrosis matter due to liver capsule. Small number of patients or spontaneously appearing liver puncture Passed severe liver pain and sadness, mostly because the surface of the nodules in the liver caused by bleeding. If accompanied by blood pressure, shock performance, abdominal puncture with bloody fluid, then severe bleeding nodules. If this happens to be an emergency rescue. Associated with the absence of such symptoms, pain and sadness is more limited, then the subcapsular hemorrhage. Pain and sadness can be due to the site of tumor growth varies, in the left lobe of the tumor, often cause epigastric pain and sadness; in the right lobe of the tumor, pain and sadness in the right hypochondrium; tumor involving the diaphragm, the pain and sadness radiation to the right shoulder or right back, easily mistaken shoulder arthritis; tumor located in the posterior segment of right lobe, sometimes can cause low back pain; tumor located in the liver of deep and generally feel very little pain and sadness.
Two common symptoms of advanced liver cancer, gastrointestinal symptoms decreased appetite, abdominal fullness after meals. Warming gas, indigestion, nausea and other gastrointestinal symptoms are common liver cancer, loss of appetite and bloating which is most common. Diarrhea, liver cancer is more common gastrointestinal symptoms at home and abroad have reported a higher incidence of chronic enteritis easily mistaken. Portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis caused by portal hypertension and bowel dysfunction can cause bloating, stool frequency increased, also because of abdominal distention due to ascites. Gastrointestinal disorders can also lead to indigestion, heating gas, nausea and other symptoms.
Three common symptoms of advanced liver cancer, weight loss and fatigue in patients with liver cancer than other cancer patients often feel more fatigue, similar to the patients with chronic hepatitis. Unexplained weak, possibly because of digestive disorders, nutrition, malabsorption lead to energy deficiency, or liver cell damage, liver dysfunction, making the metabolism of certain toxins can not be inactivated in a timely manner, or because of toxic liver necrosis acquitted. Weight loss is also common symptoms of liver cancer patients, the Department for liver dysfunction. Decrease in digestion and absorption. Follow the development of the disease, weight loss can increase the level of the severe cachexia when thrown.
Four common symptoms of advanced liver cancer, liver cancer patients often have bleeding gums, bleeding tendency, subcutaneous ecchymosis and other bleeding tendencies, mainly because of impaired liver function, coagulopathy caused by liver cirrhosis it is particularly in patients with multiple See. Gastrointestinal bleeding is common, mainly because of portal hypertension caused due to esophageal varices. In fact, lead to gastrointestinal bleeding is the main reason of death in patients with liver cancer.
Five common symptoms of advanced liver cancer, lower extremity edema in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma with ascites, often lower extremity edema, the light in the ankle, severe lower limb may spread to the whole. Clinically, some patients have seen a high degree of lower extremity edema, water liquid oozing from the thigh. Mainly caused by lower extremity edema or ascites tumor thrombus obstruction of lower extremity venous compression, so that venous obstruction. Edema may also result due to low serum albumin.
Six common symptoms of advanced liver cancer, metastatic symptoms: a corresponding tumor metastasis between symptoms, sometimes as found in the early symptoms of liver cancer. Such as transfer to the lungs can cause coughing, hemoptysis; pleural metastasis can cause chest pain and bloody pleural effusion; thrombosis or pulmonary embolism can cause pulmonary embolism hair sticks can be severe breathing problems and Passed chest pain occurs; obstruction of inferior vena cava tumor thrombus can be formed the lower limb severe edema, or decreased blood pressure; obstruction of hepatic veins can be thrown Budd-Chiari syndrome can also arise from lower extremity edema; transferred to the bone can cause local pain and sadness, or pathological fracture; transferred to the spine or spinal cord compression can cause local pain sadness and paraplegia, etc; brain metastases may arise from the positioning of the corresponding signs and symptoms, such as intracranial hypertension can lead to brain herniation and death Passed.
Seven common symptoms of advanced liver cancer, upper gastrointestinal bleeding symptoms of advanced liver cancer, the most common is gastrointestinal bleeding, the main reason is cause liver cancer deaths. Cause of upper gastrointestinal bleeding reasons:
(A) of the esophageal varices esophageal varices leading to upper gastrointestinal bleeding in liver the main reason. The main mechanism of its occurrence: 80% of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma associated with cirrhosis of the liver, liver cirrhosis can lead to increased portal pressure, esophageal and gastric varices, when the portal vein or hepatic vein obstruction, portal hypertension can be exacerbated, leading to have varicose esophageal and gastric variceal bleeding, causing upper gastrointestinal bleeding; liver may aggravate liver damage, so that the aggravation of cirrhosis of the liver, leading to increased portal vein high; when the liver lesions in hepatic portal, the portal vein can be oppressive, but also the portal vein hypertension.
(B) of the clotting mechanism because the normal liver tissue in patients with liver cancer decreased liver synthesis of coagulation factor reduction, blood coagulation disorders occur. Because of hypersplenism, increased destruction of platelets, blood clotting disorders may also occur mechanism. In addition, the tumor thrombus into the blood, is very easy to cause acute disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), causing gastrointestinal bleeding.
(C) of the gastrointestinal mucosa erosion due to portal hypertension in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, often caused by gastrointestinal stasis, edema, erosion, dynamic membrane, causing bleeding.
VIII ruptured liver nodules spontaneous rupture of primary liver cancer is more common serious complications of liver cancer, the occurrence rate of 9% -22.6%, more acute onset, the disease risks of poor prognosis, early diagnosis and timely treatment to improve the prognosis of patients on helping. The mechanism of spontaneous rupture of hepatocellular carcinoma is not fully clear. Most scholars think that is because direct violation of the tumor, so that venous outflow channel congestion, caused by hypertension, which led to bleeding and rupture. In general, may be related to the following factors: high degree of liver malignancy, rapid growth, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the tumor relative to that formed the central ischemia, necrosis and liquefaction. If the tumor volume increase at this time too fast, and the tumor capsule can not stretch, can lead to tumor surface ulceration, causing bleeding; liver ischemia, necrosis and secondary infection, can cause bleeding; direct violation of intrahepatic tumor blood vessels , causing blood vessels to rupture; portal vein tumor th
rombus embolization was after the surge of superficial tumors surrounding departments dystrophy necrosis. Ulceration, can cause bleeding. Tumor located in the superficial surface of the liver every position, vulnerable to external shocks, meager and cancer tumor capsule also constitutes a very weak reason for bleeding.
Mostly on patients with acute abdominal pain. Began mostly epigastric pain and sadness, about 95% of those sudden, followed by progression of the disease, can be gradually developed to the whole abdomen, but more with dizziness. A cold sweat. Nausea, vomiting and other symptoms. When the spontaneous rupture of hepatocellular carcinoma, there were upper abdominal pain is limited, and relatively little, which may be located in the superficial location of the liver rupture of small nodules, less bleeding, bleeding confined to the liver capsule Next, call the liver subcapsular hemorrhage. Most patients may have pale, cold extremities, cold sweat, pulse breakdown, decreased blood pressure. Degree of abdominal tenderness vary depending on tumor rupture, rupture of small mouth, a small amount of bleeding who may be limited abdominal tenderness or tenderness in the lesions was not significant; broken big mouth, the amount of bleeding who, on a whole abdominal tenderness, department patients may have rebound tenderness and muscle tension, which may be due to rupture of small bile ducts, the department of bile into the abdominal cavity caused by stimulation of peritoneum. Amount of bleeding is large, visible abdominal distension, abdominal percussion sound was real, positive shifting dullness, bowel sounds decreased or disappeared, blood hemoglobin checks may have decreased leukocytes and neutrophils increased. Diagnostic paracentesis in the diagnosis of rupture of HCC is of great significance, and often can not wear to the blood coagulation. B-for those who find it difficult to have a confirmed case of an extremely important role, can confirm the diagnosis.
Liver nine common symptoms of advanced hepatic encephalopathy hepatic encephalopathy is the performance of end-stage liver cancer, liver cancer is the leading cause of death (about 35%). Department of hepatic encephalopathy often severe damage to liver cancer or both lead to liver cirrhosis caused extensive damage in real terms. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding, infection, hypokalemia, surgical strikes, improper drainage and application of a large number of ascites, and diuretic drugs are detrimental to the liver of the common causes of hepatic encephalopathy. Currently only the incentives for prevention and control, is still a lack of effective therapy. Late because of illness, treatment success rare.
Ten, bloody pleural effusion in patients with liver damage due to severe liver function, albumin synthesis decreased, together with portal hypertension can often lead to ascites; when planted into the peritoneal tumor cells, may also produce ascites, this time mostly bloody ascites; close diaphragmatic rupture of liver nodules, may also make changes to bloody ascites; close to the liver direct the diaphragm and pleural invasion horizontal depression, can cause bloody pleural effusion; tumor metastasis to the pleura, can cause bloody pleural effusion.
XI, infection and liver cancer patients with fever due to resist the force is low, the infection often can be thrown. The main sites of infection in the respiratory tract, intestinal, biliary and abdominal cavity. Symptoms of infection in different parts of the performance due to different, such as respiratory infections, mainly manifested as cough, shortness of breath, fever; intestinal infection mainly as abdominal pain, diarrhea; abdominal infection may have abdominal pain, fever. Infection mainly caused by bacteria, fungal infections are not uncommon.
Cancer patients with fever is more common in the liver, mostly sustained low to moderate fever. Cancer fever is mainly due to liver necrosis after the acquittal pyrogen induced transmigration into the blood. Patients with cancer and fever and infection-induced fever should be differentiated from the former and in addition to fever and antibiotic treatment fails and there is no other significant symptoms, the patient responded well to the anti-inflammatory drugs.
Second, many patients with hepatorenal syndrome in liver cirrhosis, decompensated liver cirrhosis in the liver, often they will occur gradually Passed or little or no urine, azotemia and other functional renal failure of performance, kidney at a time when there is no organic disease, says this is the hepatorenal syndrome (renal failure or liver, HRS majority of such patients who had progressive deepening jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, hypoalbuminemia and refractory ascites and other manifestations of liver failure, disease is characterized by the end of deep coma, severe oliguria, and decreased blood pressure.
Functional renal failure in patients with hepatic onset of renal no organic disease, but kidney blood flow and glomerular filtration rate reduction is likely to be severe renal outcome of continued contraction. Studies have thought, liver failure caused by renal vasoconstriction leading to renal failure, liver hub link.
Liver failure occurs when the renal vasoconstriction factors can be grouped into two categories: one is serious obstacles have liver function, or damaged liver can not be removed from the cycle of toxic substances, such as endotoxin and pseudo-nerve delivery quality, etc.; the other is the low blood volume and portal hypertension caused by reducing the effective cycle of blood.
Clinical manifestations: In addition to liver and kidney syndrome in patients with hypoalbuminemia, portal hypertension, ascites and jaundice and other large state of liver function under the full clinical manifestations, but also with renal failure to show a clinical renal failure depends on the clinical manifestations the priority of the onset, acute onset, could Passed thrown oliguria, anuria, azotemia, etc., the condition deteriorated in a short time. Once formed the hepatorenal syndrome in patients with liver cancer, the prognosis is poor.
Liver more severe and more common symptoms of late, so late liver disease should always pay attention to the changes to take an active treatment.

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