Cancer radiotherapy, cancer treatment is one of the three pillars of treatment, while in the treatment of cancer, but also there are many special local and systemic damage, therefore, radiation therapy radiation therapy for patients not only to do before, during, late care, but also produces good response to radiation therapy by observation and treatment.
(A) of the tumor before radiotherapy nursing
In patients before radiotherapy should first do ideological work, so that an understanding of radiotherapy patients to avoid tension, fears, followed by improvement of general condition, attention to nutrition deployment, improve local conditions, to avoid local infection. Such as nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients in the radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal wash is best, when radiotherapy of esophageal cancer patients to avoid eating hard food and spicy food.
(B) care in cancer radiotherapy
Tumor radiotherapy care, cancer patients often radiotherapy pain, bleeding, infection, dizziness, loss of appetite and other symptoms should be promptly symptomatic treatment. To adjust treatment and dose, do not try to protect the site of exposure, while giving sedatives and vitamin B drugs. Adequate intake of water, so as to achieve to reduce systemic reactions and to avoid the purpose of local radiation injury. In the radiation process, the attention often observed blood changes, such as white blood cells less than 3. OX109 / L, platelets less than 8.0 X 109 / L should be suspended in time find out the reasons or radiotherapy, given comprehensive treatment.
(C) care after cancer radiotherapy
Tumor radiotherapy care, local skin after exposure to keep clean and avoid the adverse physical and chemical stimulation. Can not be too much friction for the treatment of locally, the patient should be soft underwear, collar not perfect. Organs after irradiation, due to radiation damage, reduce resistance, easy to secondary infection, so to be protected according to the different parts of radiotherapy. Valuables esophagus after radiotherapy should eat food, should try to avoid the rectum after radiotherapy Ambassador dry. Irradiated primary tumor biopsy is not easy to avoid prolonged unhealed wound.
(D) tumor radiation response care
1. Skin care and skin reactions after radiation, can produce different degrees of skin reactions such as erythema, dry desquamation and moist desquamation. Generally not used for treatment of erythema can be natural healing. Dry or not medication Dermatitis, close observation or application of talcum powder, Fei sub-powder, calamine lotion to moisturize the convergence or itching. Methods of exposure to moist dermatitis should be taken to prevent infection, antibiotic ointment available, borneol egg white, if necessary outside the rub with gentian violet.
2. Craftiness membrane response of oral care compound available coral sand or salt water gargle solution, Ying Nan West liquid mouthwash. Cod liver oil available radioactive rhinitis, intranasal compound peppermint oil. Available radioactive steam inhalation laryngitis, if necessary, add antibiotic solution. Radioactive chloramphenicol eye drops and tetracycline was used cortisone ointment. Radiation proctitis can be used together adriamycin, prednisone, 1 Kun compounds such as glycerol enema.
(E) tumor in the radiation treatment and care of common acute
Tumor radiotherapy care, in the radiotherapy process, due to radiotherapy of the tumor and surrounding tissue damage, and sometimes there may be a number of acute complications, the need for emergency treatment. Common are the following:
1. Nasopharyngeal bleeding supine patient immediately to take the head to one side; Do not reassure nervous patients, and given sedative drugs, such as stability of 5-10mg, intramuscular injection of phenobarbital O. 19; the rapid establishment of rehydration fluids Road and given drugs to stop bleeding, blood safety network 10mg intramuscular injection, intravenous injection of 250-500mg bleeding Min; front nose and rear with 1% ephedrine nose or 1% epinephrine sponge ball filling; bleeding is under consideration to supplement the blood transfusion capacity.
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