If diagnosed in the early stages, is extremely effective treatments available
Barcelona (Writing Vivirmejor.com).-In this video Dr. Carlos Hernandez, Vice President of the Spanish Association of Urology, talks about prostate cancer and new therapeutic horizons and states that “today prostate cancers can cure . ” He adds that “the cure primarily urologists and that’s because in the last decade have been discovered and prostate cancers detected at earlier stages . ” If diagnosed in the early stages, they have treatments extremely effective so that it can heal.
Effective Treatments
Moreover, Dr. Hernandez explains that “there are new drugs for prostate cancer research lines in the final phase that will bring exciting benefits to patients diagnosed with prostate cancer.” In general, the specialist says, “are drugs that are used when the cancer is advanced and we have a radical treatment at the level of the prostate gland because the tumor has spread to other organs.” Thus, the urologist detailed in the video what the focal therapy in prostate cancer and what results you get, advances in the surgical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, which provides prostate brachytherapy and in which cases applies.
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Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in American men. The American Cancer Society (American Cancer Society) estimates that 220,000 cases will be diagnosed in the United States in 2003.
- Seventy nine percent of all cases of prostate cancer are found in the local and regional stages when the survival rate for patients is 100 percent.
- There is no big difference between radiation therapy and surgery on the percentage of men who survived 10 years after treatment. However, the surgery can lead to higher rates of remission 15 years after treatment.
Prostate cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in the prostate. Cancer cells evolve slowly becoming a mass called a tumor. The tumors can metastasize, meaning spread beyond the prostate, which is a sign of advanced disease. Metastatic tumors can eventually be fatal. The goal of therapy for prostate cancer cure cancer or control the symptoms of the disease. Doctors may recommend not treating cancers actively develops slowly to avoid risks and side effects of treatment. This approach is called observation. assets treatments for prostate cancer include:
- Surgery;
- Cryotherapy;
- Radiotherapy;
- Hormonal therapy, and
- Chemotherapy.
Possible cure of prostate cancer. The probability of cure depends on the grade and stage of the cancer and the level of prostate specific antigen (PSA) of man prior to treatment. WHEN INDICATED? Physicians should know the extent and stage of the cancer before selecting treatment. The grade refers to how the prostate cancer tissue resembles normal prostate tissue. The process that determines where prostate cancer and how widespread is called stage. PRE-TREATMENT Surgery To establish whether a patient’s cancer is located, the surgeon will remove the lymph nodes in the pelvis. Removal of lymph nodes requires hospitalization. The patient is instructed not to eat anything after midnight the night before surgery prostatectomy. The day before surgery, the patient is instructed to have an enema particular drug. The patient may also be instructed to stop taking aspirin or other anticoagulant. METHODS OF TREATMENT Surgery The doctor and the patient usually choose surgery when the patient is in good health, is less than 70 years, and the cancer has not spread. radical prostatectomy. prostatectomy is the removal of the prostate and is intended for patients whose cancer is confined to the prostate. Radical prostatectomy offers the best prospect of cure. The surgery is done while the patient is under general or spinal anesthesia surgery. The surgeon removes the entire prostate, seminal vesicles and nerves that work on penile erection. The procedure takes between 3 and 4 hours and requires a hospital stay of 2-3 days. sparing radical prostatectomy nerves. prostatectomy Nerve-sparing prostatectomy is similar to radical unless the doctor saves the nerves that cause male erection if the nerves are not affected by cancer. Prostatectomy with preservation of the nerves is limited to men in the early stages of prostate cancer.Cryosurgery. This type of surgery is freezing localized cancer cancer cells until they die. After the patient is given general or spinal anesthesia, the surgeon inserts between 6 and 8 probes fine metal through the skin between the anus and the scrotum, and leads to the cancerous prostate tissue. Once activated, the probes send a freezing agent to destroy cancerous tissue. Nonsurgical TreatmentsRadiation. radiation treatment can be recommended as single or in combination with surgery. Radiation, X-rays or high energy used to kill cancer cells, it may be internal or external, in the sense that the radiation source is placed outside the body or implanted in the prostate cancer. Los patients should be treated with external radiation at least 5 days a week for 7-8 weeks. Brachytherapy is another name for internal radiation, or the implantation of small radioactive seeds into the prostate. As cryosurgery, brachytherapy uses probes that are inserted into the skin between the anus and scrotum to release radioactive seeds. Another form of brachytherapy uses hollow needles containing iridium, a radioactive source. often brachytherapy combined with external beam radiation to intensify treatment.hormonal therapy. When cancer has spread outside the prostate, hormone therapy may be recommended . Sometimes used in conjunction with surgery or radiation.The aim of hormone therapy to reduce androgen production. Androgens are hormones that help develop or maintain sexual characteristics that form after puberty. It is believed that androgens, one of which is testosterone, help the growth of prostate cancer cells. orchiectomy, surgery to remove the testes, HRT is considered as dramatically reduced androgen production. The procedure takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour with the patient under general anesthesia. These drugs may reduce androgen levels without the need for an orchiectomy.