Infection in patients with gastric cancer treatment measures

By | November 29, 2011

If the gastric infection occurred, so we should care of patients with gastric infection.Infected patients with gastric cancer treatment measures:
1 infected patients with gastric cancer treatment measures. Daily measured body temperature, when the temperature above 37.5 C should immediately notify the medical staff. Fever may be prescribed for patients given anti-fever drugs, or give physical cooling:
(1) cold packs;
(2) alcohol sponge bath: ethanol 30% -50% concentration, the temperature is 30 degrees. Sponge bath, the head ice, feet by the hot water bottle (temperature adjusted to 50-700C, jacketed, to avoid burns), hand-wrapped a small towel soaked in ethanol solution under the arms, thigh, cheek and other vascular rich at the nest repeatedly clean, but chest area, abdomen, back of the neck is disabled in order to avoid reflex bradycardia, diarrhea and other adverse reactions.
Infection in patients with gastric cancer treatment measures 2. Uptake of rational nutrition diet, food rich in vitamins, protein diet. Swallowing difficulties or who can be semi-liquid food liquid food, such as the mixed milk, enteral nutrition, diet, etc., came from a more meals to prevent choking, lung infection caused by inhalation. When necessary, can be used for parenteral intravenous infusion of high-nutrition. Avoid eating the mouth ulcer and spicy heat of the goods; patients with severe diarrhea may reduce the consumption of food containing cellulose, such as bananas, celery and so on.
Infection in 3 patients with gastric cancer treatment measures. Bedsores that occurred were more to strengthen the skin care.
Infection in patients with gastric cancer treatment measures 4. Severe diarrhea in patients with the need to strengthen busy week care, and after each 1:5000 potassium permanganate with water or cleaning solution, such as the anus, swelling of the embryo weeks without ulceration may coated with a little sesame oil, with abscesses and ulceration are basis having debridement request.
Infected patients with gastric cancer treatment measures 5. Medical treatment and care during the work should be firmly followed the principles of sterile, to avoid unnecessary patient physical and economic losses.

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