Blood of cancer patients and rehabilitation

By | January 20, 2012

/LBlood of cancer patients and rehabilitation, adult peripheral blood absolute neutrophil7.5 x 109/ Lincrease in disease called neutrophils.Increased neutrophils in patients with cancer more common in leukemia, followed by infection, bleeding, drug, allergy, metabolic and endocrine disorders such factors.Solid tumors can also cause an increase in neutrophils, often found in gastric , breast, liver, kidney, membrane cancer, uterine cancer, lung cancer and malignant lymphoma, and so on.
It occurs as a result: tumors and the release of colony-stimulating for children (CSF), stimulate the bone marrow, in particular neutrophils increased. particle cell clearance from the blood circulation slowed. bone marrow and destroy the barrier between the blood circulation to promote bone marrow into the circulating granulocyte pool. for peripheral release of granulocyte storage pool, reducing blood oozing from small granulocytes, causing an increase in mortar cell.
Cancer patients due to tumor cell metastasis and invasion of bone marrow, crowding out the bone marrow hematopoietic tissue, the proliferation of white blood cells mature obstacles or invalid; cancer underwent chemotherapy, radiation therapy can inhibit bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells or progenitor cells, so that decreased production of white blood cells; cancer patients following Development of severe infection can destroy white blood cells or white blood cells to increase the consumption increases, so that a large number of white blood cells leave the bone marrow storage pool into the inflammatory lesion or site of infection; In addition, when a tumor or other factors caused by hypersplenism and increased antibodies in the blood , so that the shortened survival of white blood cells, but also the causes leukopenia./L0.5109/LClinically, caused by various reasons, reduce the number of peripheral white blood cells, adult less than4.0109/L, I called leukopenia, when the white blood cells was severely reduced, less than0.5109/L, the commonly known the white blood deficiency.
Neutropenia in patients with tumors of patients with major impact on the result of secondary infection, it is prone to infection in cancer patients the most common and most important reason, the incidence of infection, severity of neutropenia and duration of the degree of close related.Patients with neutropenia can lead to headaches, dizziness, lack of strength, rigor, loss of appetite and other symptoms, but if the patients had chills and body temperature (higher than38.50C), then suggest the existence of a secondary infection, should be to do blood cultures and the cultivation of suspected site of infection, for the early diagnosis and timely disposal to prevent the rapid development of infection and deterioration.
Blood of cancer patients and rehabilitation, prevention and treatment of tumor patients with neutropenia should be taken for different causes of comprehensive control measures.
       (1)due to radiotherapy or chemotherapy-induced neutropenia, should be suspended for radiotherapy and chemotherapy or continuation of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
(2) theuse of white blood cells and promote generation drugs, such as profit blood up, Pirates of the liver alcohol and muscle past, vitaminB4and enhance the white blood cells such as Chinese medicine compound A mortar, Ching Chong China righting agents can be more long-term use.
       (3),dexamethasone, prednisone, corticosteroids have short-term class of white blood cell, the role of improving the symptoms of poisoning.
       (4),granulocyte transfusion may be adequate for patients with phagocytic cells, it is beneficial for the control of severe infections.
       (5)creation of blood cell growth factors such asGM-CSForG-CSFapplication.
       (6)to actively prevent and treat infections.
Thrombocytopenia in cancer patients is the most common cause of chemotherapy and (or) bone marrow suppression caused by radiotherapy, in addition to bone marrow infiltration with tumor cells and the mechanism of blood coagulation disorders./ L50l09/L20109/L10109/LClinically, when the platelet count below100109/L, I called thrombocytopenia; when thrombocytopenia below50l09/L, there will be the risk of bleeding; when the platelets less than20109/ LWhen a great risk of bleeding; when platelets less than10109/L, the vulnerable life-threatening central nervous system bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding and respiratory tract bleeding.Thrombocytopenia also have different levels for different causes and adopt comprehensive measures to control.The first is the treatment for the cause, the possible control of the primary tumor, caused by radiation or chemotherapy should immediately stop treatment.For the short-term chemotherapy significantly reduced platelet can be used with low doses of glucocorticoid for treatment./LWhen severe thrombocytopenia in patients with bleeding or platelets less than15109/L, it is usually required platelet transfusion therapy.In addition, some promote platelet-generated cytokines such as thrombopoietin, since IL-3and so on, can reduce chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia, promote platelet recovery.
(1)nutritional anemia: patients with cancer because the tumor's own consumption and treatment response, patients often leads to malnutrition, iron deficiency are more prone to small cell or large cell anemia.
(2)hemorrhagic anemia: urinary, digestive, respiratory system tumors can often dominant or not dominant blood loss occurred.
(3)bone marrow disease anemia: bone marrow is second only to lung and liver metastasis predilection sites, no matter what kind of malignant bone marrow infiltration, can cause anemia bone marrow disease.
       (4),autoimmune hemolytic anemia associated with multiple tumors in the lymphoreticular system.
(5),microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, patients with anemia, yellow disease, elevated bilirubin, reticulocytes increased, thrombocytopenia, autoimmune hemolytic anemia performance.
       (6)anemia associated with cancer treatment, especially surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy-induced anemia is more easy to see.
       (7)cancer, anemia is more typical cell anemia is pigment, its mechanism is unclear.
       (8)oxidation of anemia, Hui Wan Antibiotics prone to oxidation anemia.
Cancer patients less than men, hemoglobin120 g / L,women less than110g / Lfor the anemia, clinical manifestations of the skin may be pale, pale minimalist, dizziness, tinnitus, fatigue, loss of appetite, palpitation or shortness of breath, fever may also occur in some patients .Tumor anemia can be divided into mild, moderate, severe, very severe level 4, the indexing of specific criteria: Mild: hemoglobin less than normal and more than equal to90 g / L,patients with mild symptoms; medium: hemoglobin below90 g / Land greater than equal to60 g / L,patients may have shortness of breath and flustered after manual; Severe: Blood protein less than60 g / Land greater than equal to30 g / L,patients with bed rest is also a sense of palpitation shortness of breath; very severe: hemoglobin below30 g / L,in patients with ischemic heart disease often occur.
Rehabilitation of cancer patients of tumor blood and prevention of anemia include:
(1)remove the cause, including the active treatment and control of cancer caused by dominant or not dominant tumor blood loss and so on.
       (2) tostrengthen support for therapy, increased blood supply and nutrition in patients with the supply of factors (such as iron, vitamin B12, folic acid, etc.).
       (3) tostimulate red blood cell production, commonly used stanozolol, testosterone propionate EPO and other paid and to pr
omote red envelopes.
(4)blood transfusion: repeated blood transfusions may stimulate tumor growth, while also supporting more blood transfusion side effects, therefore, must be strictly transfusion indications.FEpatients on simple, the best ingredients to give red blood cell transfusion.
       (5)Chinese medicine treatment.

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