New cancer treatment – photodynamic therapy

By | January 2, 2012

Photodynamic treatment of advanced gastric cancer compared with conventional laser or hyperthermia advantages are obvious. Good prognosis of early gastric cancer, but surgical removal of lesions was radical. A high degree of dysplasia and early cancer because of their low likelihood of lymph node metastasis, local treatment is feasible. For I to IIa cancer of the small 2em), 5-year survival rate of 80% – 95%.
Photodynamic therapy of gastric cancer, gastroenterologist and endoscopic surgeon, developed the film Craftiness resection, NdYAG photodynamic laser therapy treatment of early gastric cancer , they use accurate EUS staging. Endoscopic resection of Education The main advantage of film is to get a clear specimen histopathology. However, NdYAG laser and endoscopic removal of a perforated film to teach the dangers and possible removal of growing tumor cells to the wound or thermal ablation. Several first and second generation photosensitizers, including and has been used to evaluate the photodynamic treatment of early gastric cancer. ALA is a major lack of depth of damage is difficult to achieve, but its high specificity mucosa.
Photodynamic therapy of gastric cancer, recently, mTHPC photodynamic efficacy proven high irradiation dose can be reduced to 10-20J/cm, treatment time be reduced, and if the use of Photofrin or ALACPpIX), required light dose of 150 -300J/cm. The diameter of <2cm of the IIa and IIb of the tumor, the effect of photodynamic therapy of gastric cancer is quite obvious.

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