The impact of cancer on the body

By | April 9, 2012

Malignant tumors in particular is a serious threat to human life and health of the disease. This shows that the impact of cancer on the body is very serious. As mentioned above, the tumor is localized cells formed by abnormal proliferation of new creatures, why do the local proliferation of tumor cells have so much experience on the machine's impact? The following two ways to talk about this issue.
1. Local influence
(1) oppression and obstruction: when the tumor grows to a certain size, which will block the luminal organ or adjacent organs or the oppression of these organs, causing dysfunction. For example, esophageal obstruction caused by esophageal dysphagia; bile duct cancer around the bile duct causing obstructive jaundice oppression; bladder cancer, ureteral obstruction caused by hydronephrosis; intracranial brain tumor compression and other causes of intracranial hypertension.
(2) disruption of normal organ structure and function: the growth characteristics of invasive malignancies, with the continuous increase of the tumor, location or adjacent normal structure and function of organs can be damaged. Such as cervical cancer can damage the bladder and rectum of the structure and reactive energy; can damage the bone marrow of leukemia cells, causing blood disorders.
(3) bleeding and infection: tumor blood vessels can cause bleeding violations. Such as nasopharyngeal carcinoma nose bleeding, hemoptysis, lung cancer, cancer of the blood in the stool, cervical contact bleeding.Malignant tumors grow faster, grow to a certain size, will result in the emergence of cancer, nutritional deficiencies relative to tissue necrosis, necrotic tissue is very easy to grow bacteria infection.
(4) Pain: When the tumor compression or neural invasion, can cause pain. Liver capsule, such as liver cancer liver pain caused by tension, lung cancer invading the chest wall causing chest pain, headache caused by brain tumors.
The impact of cancer on the body 2. systemic effects
(1) fever: metabolites of the tumor, necrosis, secondary infection of decomposition products or other toxic products produced is absorbed, the body heat can occur.
(2) cachexia: the majority of advanced cancer patients can be severe anemia, weight loss and exhaustion. Gastrointestinal cancer patients, due to seriously affect the eating and digestion and absorption, especially in pancreatic cancer patients, cachexia occurs earlier.

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