NPC Overview | cancer symptoms | cancer treatment

By | April 30, 2012

NPC overview of the nasopharynx and soft palate located between the base of the skull, connecting the nasal cavity and oropharynx. Nasopharynx approximate an irregular cube (Figure 14.1 hope, about the diameter of the upper and lower diameter and about 3cm, the anteroposterior diameter of 2-3cm, can be divided into front, top, back, bottom wall and two lateral symmetrical.
Roof and posterior wall of the top wall connected to each other, and inclined to form arch-like, between the two wall signs no clear anatomical boundaries and therefore often collectively referred to as the top clinical posterior wall, from the upper edge of the nose back, after, until soft Teng level. Under the Mongolian film is rich in lymphoid tissue, constitute the pharyngeal tonsil, proliferation was in childhood, the formation of adenoids. Posterior wall of the very first l, 2 cervical level, both sides of the recess for the day due to the back boundary.
Wall include: the anterior eustachian tube; eustachian tube area, there are pharyngeal opening of eustachian tube (a triangle, from the inferior turbinate back about 1 em) and then at the top of the eustachian tube bulge (the triangular cartilage fold together), and its common form of fibrous tissue beneath the eustachian tube cartilage; After the eustachian tube area, the pharynx hidden, Waterloo (also known as rosenmullar fossa), located at the top of the eustachian tube after carina, and nasal port for connecting the top wall. This nest depth of 1cm, was a conical depression.
Anterior and posterior margin of the nasal septum on both sides of the post in its nostrils, nasal cavity directly Walter. The end of the back wall of the soft palate and the back edge and the wall composition between the angina.
Lymphatic drainage lymphatic nasopharynx is extremely rich, the main lead into the side of the neck next to the atlas retropharyngeal lymph nodes (also called Rouviere's lymph nodes, the first stop for the nasopharyngeal lymph drainage), and then into the deep cervical lymph nodes, including: jugular vein lymph node chain; nerve lymph node chain (located in the posterior cervical triangle); transverse cervical artery and vein lymph node chain (located in the supraclavicular fossa).
Blood vessels from the external carotid artery branch of first or second class, namely: ascending pharyngeal artery is the smallest branch of the external carotid artery; Soars artery; pharyngeal artery, the artery is leading one of the final branch; wing artery, also brought the end of branch artery.
NPC overview of sensory nerve from the glossopharyngeal nerve and vagus nerve. Sports teams from the vagus nerve, the dominant part of the pharynx and soft palate muscles. Parapharyngeal space is located in the neck, face locked in a deep fat clearance, and the nasopharynx, oropharynx adjacent. Parapharyngeal space and its attachment by the styloid muscles (stylohyoid muscle styloid styloid genioglossus and the pharyngeal muscles) and multi-compartment made of block and bilaterally symmetrical. Implicit in the pharynx, nest this plane can be divided into three parts: styloid space before: in a collared artery and its branches, the inferior alveolar nerve, lingual nerve, ear Yen nerve. Here can be involving the skull base tumor foramen ovale, foramen spinosum, and sphenoid wing, and even as far as Yen fossa. poststyloid space: within the carotid artery, jugular vein, cranial nerves and the posterior cervical sympathetic passed. retropharyngeal space: After living in the middle of the pharynx, retropharyngeal lymph nodes within.

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