Tag Archives: access-denied

Chemotherapy can complicate immediate breast reconstruction after mastectomy

Chemotherapy is increasingly used to treat larger operable or advanced breast cancer prior to surgery. Chemotherapy delivered via the placement of a central venous line that remains in place for the duration of treatment can result in pre-operative thromboembolic events, which can require the administration of anticoagulation agents…

Not all induced pluripotent stem cells are made equal

This means the type of cell obtained from an individual patient to make pluripotent stem cells, determines what can be best done with them. For example, to repair the lung of a patient with lung disease, it is best to start off with a lung cell to make the therapeutic stem cells to treat the disease, or a breast cell for the regeneration of tissue for breast cancer patients…

People putting their lives at risk by dismissing cancer symptoms

More than half (53 per cent) of 1,700 people who completed a health questionnaire said they had experienced at least one red-flag cancer ‘alarm’ symptom during the previous three months. But only two per cent of them thought that cancer was a possible cause…