Blood pool imaging of the liver on: (1) Principle: The liver is very rich blood supply, average per gram of liver tissue containing blood 1.5_2.0ml mouth, therefore, labeled with radionuclides or blood cells, plasma proteins (eg labeled red blood cell) to blood pool scanning, will enable the liver imaging.
(2) Indications: colloid liver imaging used to identify the radioactive nature of sparse or defect and the blood supply of the state, especially the identification of vascular and non-vascular diseases. Another liver blood pool scan help to understand the tumor blood supply.
Introduction of liver blood pool imaging (3) method: imaging of liver radioactive colloid disappearance of the liver after intravenous injection of 113ml. Eluent (pH <3) or a red blood cell 99mTc 74_Illmmol / L (7.4x1012_11.1x1013Bq) 5_10 minutes after the start imaging. Hepatic blood pool scan, the patient's position should be the position colloid liver scan line for easy comparative analysis.
(4) image analysis: imaging agent according to the lesion filling the situation, and the surrounding normal liver tissue concentration of radioactive contrast, there are three different manifestations:
over-filling: In the hepatic blood pool scans on some or all of the large number of radionuclide uptake and filling, the local radiation levels exceeding the surrounding normal liver tissue. This performance suggesting that the lesions are hemangioma, with the characteristic.
Fill: The hepatic blood pool scan the lesion and the surrounding normal liver tissue radioactivity were similar, but not higher than the adjacent tissue, indicating that the lesions have different degrees of blood supply, may be considered excluded from the liver or liver cyst Edition swollen. Most liver lesions were filled with blood pool radioactivity, but the degree of blood factors for complex judgments should be careful.
not fill: the lesion is lower than adjacent normal liver tissue radioactivity, the liver with colloidal radioactive imaging map of the lesion without any difference, suggesting that the lack of blood supply of lesions, the prompt changes to the footprint of liver cyst or sexually transmitted diseases swollen liver services.
Blood pool imaging of the liver described (5) Clinical significance: hepatic blood pool imaging can reflect the state of the blood supply of the lesion, for the identification of the nature of liver lesions has a certain value. Blood supply of hepatic hemangioma, liver colloid and blood pool imaging showed radioactive compound transition is filled by signs of hepatic hemangioma, the correct rate of 70% _90%, and because few other diseases of the blood supply may exceed the liver the level of the blood supply of the organization, while those showing the transition fill, so the specificity can be used as a reliable identification of the basis of hepatic hemangioma. Rich blood supply of primary liver cancer, most showed varying degrees of filling. The liver cyst, liver and cirrhosis of the liver nodules swollen version of the blood supply or blood supply no less, when the original body imaging of liver blood imaging showed no radioactive radiation filling defects, the correct rate is high.