Radionuclide diagnosis of pancreatic tumors: pancreatic gland is one of the important body, the pancreas can position a variety of diseases, shape and size change. As CT, MRI in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer has been much progress, so radionuclide imaging in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer application reduced, so this article only briefly.
1. Principle:
Intravenous injection of 75Se methionine labeled soon after uptake by the pancreas into the pancreas to participate in the synthesis of digestive enzymes, so there is normal uptake in the pancreas, camera scanning machine or a static or dynamic imaging.
2. Method:
2 hours before the test given to high-protein low-fat diet, intravenous injection of 75Se a methionine 11.1_18.5mmol / L, 1l.1X106_18.5X106Bq after the 10_30 minutes, you can start imaging. Patients taking the time inspection and right anterior oblique (tilted to the right of the body about 150), video and film as much as possible to avoid the impact of liver overlap.
3. Image Analysis:
Great morphological variation of normal pancreas. The most common form of a standard type, pistol, sigmoid type and horseshoe type. Roughly evenly distributed when the radiation imaging. Poor pancreatic function, the imaging is also poor. Swelling of pancreatic cancer when radiation defects. Make the whole pancreas, pancreatic cancer is sometimes reduced intake of radionuclides, which showed diffuse thin or no development.
Radionuclide diagnosis of pancreatic cancer 4. Clinical Significance:
Pancreatic diseases Pancreatic imaging can be used as a simple and safe screening method, the accuracy for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer up to 83% _94%, false negative is characterized by fewer, but some benign pancreatic diseases, 80% of abnormal shape. Therefore, the judge should be combined with other clinical examination.