The clinical and pathological classification of esophageal cancer

By | March 24, 2012

Squamous cell carcinoma occurs in squamous cell esophageal cancer can be divided into 4.
The clinical and pathological classification of esophageal cancer – squamous cell carcinoma (1) keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma. Layered epithelial cells in cancer nests, basal cells were arranged in rows or slightly malalignment, the middle to spike a few basal cells or mixed cells, superficial cells were flat, keratinized obvious, often the formation of keratin pearls, rare mitotic figures .
The clinical and pathological classification of esophageal cancer – squamous cell carcinoma (2) non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma. Distinct levels of some squamous cell and basal cell parts arranged in layers, some of malalignment, the middle spine cells or basal cells can be seen, the phenomenon of little or no keratosis keratosis, cell size and shape varies, moderately differentiated, mitotic common .
The clinical and pathological classification of esophageal cancer – squamous cell carcinoma (3) basal cell carcinoma. Rare, which is characterized as a basal cell carcinoma, spindle-shaped or shaped, cell size, shape very inconsistent, the phenomenon of non-keratinized, mitotic common.
The clinical and pathological classification of esophageal cancer – squamous cell carcinoma (4) undifferentiated squamous cell carcinoma. Poor differentiation of cancer cells, spindle-shaped, oval or irregular shape, the structure often associated with sarcoma similar to the arrangement, mitotic common.
According to cell differentiation and pathological features of the squamous cell carcinoma can be divided into three.
I level: the phenomenon of cancer or cancer often keratosis beads was the formation of larger cells, were polygonal or round, the cytoplasm more obvious pleomorphic, atypical mitotic figures rare.
E-class: the formation of keratin pearls fewer cancer cells, cancer cells mostly round, oval or polygonal, pleomorphic more obvious, more common mitotic figures. Although the cells keratinized sometimes obvious, but is also evident multiforme cases are classified as E-class.
E Grade: Most cancer cells were spindle-shaped, oblong or irregular in shape. Cancer cells are smaller and less cytoplasm, mitotic more common, non-keratinized or cancer bead formation. Cells were dispersed or arranged in sheets.

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