Esophageal cancer chemotherapy drug Taxol reviews

By | January 22, 2012

Taxol reviews, paclitaxel is a new herbal concern for breast and ovarian cancer receive more prominent effect, conducting extensive research on other cancers.
Obvious toxicity of the drug, particularly bone marrow toxicity, allergic reactions, etc., should be closely observed during treatment. Taxol reviews, paclitaxel treatment of esophageal cancer, in recent years have also been many clinical studies. Such as Li Ya wake up alone with paclitaxel and cis pin and 5-FU combination therapy of esophageal cancer 84 cases.
The results showed that paclitaxel single-agent response rate was 33.3%, and cis pin and 5-FU was 77% effective combination therapy, paclitaxel is the treatment of esophageal cancer shows the effective single-drug, if the lead and with the smooth 5-FU in combination, can significantly improve efficacy and reduce side effects and reducing the incidence of low toxicity.
Taxol reviews, and another reported that paclitaxel is an effective treatment of metastatic esophageal cancer is one single drug, efficiency greater than 30%. And DDP combination chemotherapy in advanced esophageal cancer at the end of chemotherapy after 28 – 48h to give up white support for conservation treatment, the time will reduce the neutropenic infection.

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