Early symptoms of pancreatic cancer

By | April 22, 2012

Early symptoms of pancreatic cancer, 1. Recently lost a lot, poor appetite, but also tired of the oil
For a people, eat well, work less, do not mind, then he easier to gain weight, and now regardless of children, young people, old people, there are many fat; In addition, if malnutrition, hard work, psychological stress, then people are likely to lose weight, this is a common sense. Therefore, in the person's life, sometimes a number of fat, sometimes thinner is perfectly normal, even in the year, winter and spring season a number of body fat, while the summer season, thinner body, this is normal, because the summer and autumn weather heat, work more, sweat more, large consumption ah.
But there is a case to be noticed. Recently, Hong nothing to eat, eat a little something to eat, especially disgusted greasy food, smell the smell of oil on the sick, were boring, and people seem to lean his weight has dropped, and dropped off more to reach 10% of original body weight. For example, the original weight of 100 pounds, now 9 pounds, but recently did not work hard, work hard ah. This time, you have to think about, is not too pancreatic cancer was.
Because the pancreas is to the food we eat into nutrients into the machine Yeah, if the machine is suffering from cancer, then it does not work, the patient can not eat things that will translate into a nutrient. Therefore, the pancreatic cancer patients do not like to eat greasy food because most can not digest, it was the least favorite. Lack of nutrients the body, as if there is no water the crops, like naturally thin withered, while the car is not fuel is not open, people lack nutritional support, also do not have the strength to work, this is the same reason . So, if the recent period of time to the unexplained weight loss, poor appetite, anorexia greasy food, then have to consider the possibility of pancreatic cancer.
2. Epigastric discomfort, sometimes pain
When you see the phrase "upper abdominal discomfort, sometimes pain," but also symptoms of pancreatic cancer, perhaps gasped: Because you may often have upper abdominal discomfort, sometimes pain is the phenomenon, can stomach long pancreatic it? Indeed, upper abdominal discomfort this situation all too common, because many people will suffer from gastritis, gastric ulcer room, duodenal ulcer, cholecystitis, gallstones and other common diseases, these diseases will have on abdominal discomfort and sometimes pain. But these "upper abdominal discomfort, sometimes pain" is not the same. Stomach, duodenum, gallbladder disease (excluding cancer) General and diet-related, such as eating spicy food, such as: pepper, wine, greasy food, will increase, and by the anti-inflammatory, anti-acid and other symptoms can be alleviated after treatment, and often will recur, so the performance for the relief of pain and repeated the process of chronic pain.
Early symptoms of pancreatic cancer, and you need to pay attention to the "upper abdominal discomfort, sometimes pain" means continuous upper abdominal discomfort, usually in the upper abdomen, right upper quadrant, sometimes expressed as paroxysmal pain, and pain often linked to the back of the waist, back or right shoulder Department, chest, this pain can not be anti-acid and anti-bacterial drug mitigation, general treatment ineffective. At this time, you have to consider pancreatic cancer to be raised. So not all "upper abdominal discomfort, sometimes pain" is pancreatic cancer . Upper abdominal pain of pancreatic cancer has some characteristics are.
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