Food Notes for esophageal cancer

By | October 14, 2011

Esophageal cancer patients with symptoms of swallowing problems raised, esophageal cancer patients is a serious problem in the diet. Most patients with esophageal cancer is difficulty swallowing occur gradually, and showed a progressive increase.
The beginning of the patient into the dry food only when stem a sense of choking, and gradually increase, and even developed to feed soft food, semi-liquid food has a problem, the ultimate surge of water, eating problems are completely, so that the nutritional status of the patient is getting worse, eventually lead to cachexia. Thus, patients with esophageal cancer feeding problem is a very serious problem.
Has been confirmed for the early and middle esophageal cancer patients should seize the opportunity to increase the comprehensive nutrition to patients, to patients with high protein and high vitamin soft food or semi-liquid food, the maximum of its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract more additional nutrients to the patient have a better physical condition.
Food Notes for esophageal cancer:
Diet Information 1 esophageal cancer, when the patient a sense of choking thrown, do not forcibly swallowing, otherwise it will stimulate the local blood cancer, proliferation, transfer, and pain and sadness. In severe choking or semi-liquid food should be liquid food.
2 esophageal foods to avoid eating cold food, cool place and time than the noodles, milk, bowl of soup and so do not drink. As the site of esophageal stricture is very significant stimulus to the cold, easily lead to esophageal spasm, nausea and vomiting, pain and sadness and sense of expansion such as Ma. Therefore, the temperature of food consumption as well.
Esophageal foods to 3, can not eat Sim, hot, smelly, pungent fishy food, because these foods can also lead to esophageal spasm, so that the patient discomfort. For esophageal cancer patients can not eat, should be taken to intravenous nutrition method of high input of nutrients the body needs to maintain the patient.

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