Cancer Intervention

By | November 25, 2011

Cancer of the conventional treatment, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and Chinese medicine treatment, cancer intervention with minimally invasive, low cost, safety, efficacy and good, especially for those patients with inoperable tumors, tumor intervention has increasingly shown out its position in cancer therapy.
Interventional therapy of cancer:
Intervention by the tumor blood vessels can be divided into two categories and not through the blood vessels.
Intervention by the vascular tumor, including: arterial infusion chemotherapy and embolization.
Without the intervention of vascular tumors can be broadly divided into: 1. Percutaneous (or puncture) in the treatment. Such as percutaneous intratumoral injection of absolute alcohol, diluted hydrochloric acid or other chemotherapy drugs; Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of tumors, microwave ablation, argon-helium cryoablation, laser ablation. Percutaneous HIFU knife (ultrasonic coagulation) treatment. 2. Endoscopic resection of tumors or ablation, or injection therapy.
Interventional treatment of cancer has its own advantages and disadvantages of different methods:
1. Artery infusion chemotherapy compared with intravenous chemotherapy with high concentrations of local tumor, systemic toxic side effects and so on. But for Visceral tumors, chemotherapy alone has been far less artery embolization in the treatment of chemotherapy combined with good effect.
2. Artery embolization for treatment of solid tumors has been greatly improved efficacy, such as liver cancer, but for hollow organs such as colon cancer, bladder cancer, and so, in principle, embolization should be conducted in order to avoid complications. The biggest problem is that after embolization recanalization and regeneration. Angiogram showed tumor vessels after embolization embolic agent completely filling seems to have cut off the blood supply, but the second recycling film, often found in tumor area or part of recanalization of recanalization, or the original no recanalization of vascular thrombosis, but surrounding the original tumor appeared nascent tumor blood vessels, suggesting that tumor growth or recurrence is still, therefore arterial embolization at least twice more.
3. By endoscopic biopsy or directly kill the tumor, whether by heat (such as laser, radio frequency, microwave or ultrasonic coagulation), cold (cryocare) or chemical (ethanol, diluted hydrochloric acid ) could obtain a more precise effect, but there are still many deficiencies, such as RF ablation or ultrasonic coagulation normally takes under ultrasound guidance in B, except with the level of B-physicians, but also the sensitivity of relations with itself. Even if the puncture in the CT-guided injection therapy, and only suitable for CT can show the lesions and normal tissues such as the density of the lesion is still powerless, and the injection of the drug dose and the relationship between tumor size and lack of standardization program. In addition, currently used for radio or argon-helium cryoablation of the needle is still relatively thick, there is damage to normal organs, if the lesion is located in organs or large blood vessels near the edge, but also easily lead to bleeding. Electrode shape is not consistent with the lesion shape is perfect, have yet to be improved.
Further development of cancer intervention
At present, the involvement by real-time imaging in medical CT (64,128 row CT) using the robot to locate the tumor puncture, puncture than the doctor I want to quickly and accurately, avoiding damage to normal tissue. Conducted in an open interventional magnetic resonance effects of the radiation treatment can avoid the impact of patients and medical staff, but also to avoid the density of organizations such as CT scan of the error. Micro-laser treatment system with a catheter or ablation catheter with a treatment system to avoid puncture damage. Lesions were completely consistent with the system will improve radio frequency needle ablation and cryosurgical treatment efficacy.
Cancer gene therapy is another intervention and trends in a new direction, because the tumor is fundamentally genetic disease, the level of gene therapy may fundamentally control tumors. Conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy did not correct the cause tumors occur internal factors, even elimination of tumor cells have been found, over a period of time have a new addition Buwei lesions grow, which is now urgent solution tumor treatment difficult. Gene therapy by means of interventional normal tumor suppressor gene directly into tumor cells, so that alternative genes to cure a problem with the purpose, become the surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy after a new type of molecular genetic level the tumor treatment.
In addition, the use of interventional techniques in molecular cancer drugs directly to the local release, to inhibit tumor cell growth and induce tumor cell apoptosis, or inhibition of tumor blood vessel growth. We inhibitory factor and vascular endothelial interventional technologies to solve the embolization of tumor angiogenesis, after the issue. Involved in gene therapy of tumors compared with conventional chemotherapy drugs with good efficacy, side effects, targeting, and other characteristics, can better play specific killing of tumor cells, but as far as possible without affecting normal cells.

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