Hemorrhage caused by tumor

By | November 18, 2011

Tumor hemorrhage caused by tumor growth is due to different parts, and thus the performance of bleeding varies.
Hemorrhage caused by a tumor. The performance of local cancer patients:
(1) respiratory system of nasopharyngeal carcinoma often appears as tears of blood (especially early in the morning pulling out from the mouth of the nasal secretions with bloodshot eyes) with or without cause, recurrent nasal resistance (ie, a nosebleed) lung cancer that often appears as bloody sputum or hemoptysis . Because a large number of microvascular lung tumor growth after more abundant on the surface of vascular patients after severe coughing often caused part of the capillary bleeding occurred bloody sputum. Characterized by a small amount of bloody sputum intermittently repeated, often more than blood, sputum, if the erosion of the larger tumor blood vessels (such as bronchial artery and vein) can cause massive hemoptysis after; diffuse pleural mesothelioma, often accompanied by a substantial amount of bloody pleural product liquid, causing the chest compression symptoms;
(2) the digestive system in the cancer early, often due to tumor perforation mucosal surface, resulting in ulceration, bad health caused by a small amount of bleeding, multiple symptoms are not perceived by the naked eye and Ambassador for the occult blood test may be positive esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, common bile duct and ampullary cancer, adenocarcinoma film occurs in the middle and upper gastrointestinal mouth area can also cause blood. Such as the small amount of bleeding in the stomach to stay longer. As the role of hemoglobin by gastric acid, so that the blood on a brown area black workers, such as large amount of bleeding, and no time effect by the acid, then the mouth area out of red or dark red blood for 3 In addition, some of the blood into the lower gastrointestinal tract, red blood cells by the role of intestinal bacteria produce iron sulfide can be discharged after the tarry black stool. Occurred in the lower gastrointestinal tract tumors, such as intestinal cancer, colon cancer, colon polyps, straight colorectal cancer and other usually presents the blood. The color of blood in the stool and bleeding under the location of the tumor in the intestines of different residence time varied, the performance of black stools, loose stools dark or bright red.
(3), urinary system, such as kidney, ureter and bladder cancer, usually presents with painless hematuria. Hematuria gross hematuria may also be microscopic hematuria.
(4) blood hematopoietic system can cause skin diseases, oral, gum, nasal bleeding and internal bleeding manifested as skin and mucous membrane bleeding under the skin of the mark spot, mark points. Visceral Bleeding can be dizziness tinnitus, nausea, sweating, palpitation, shock. There is also a fatal intracranial hemorrhage. Mainly due to thrombocytopenia, bleeding, fibrinolysis, and disseminated intravascular coagulation and so on.
(5) female genital mutilation, such as cervical cancer, early stage can be expressed as contact bleeding, that is, after sexual intercourse or gynecologic bimanual examination a small amount of bleeding. After the Q can be expressed as menstrual period or after menopause, a small amount of irregular intermittent bleeding. Endometrial cancer, malignant mole and choriocarcinoma, irregular vaginal bleeding usually presents general much blood, often more than a row can be transferred to the lungs appear bloody sputum and hemoptysis.
(6), breast, intraductal papilloma and breast cancer can sometimes be manifested as bloody nipple discharge.
Hemorrhage caused by tumor 2. Cancer patients with systemic manifestations
(1) acute bleeding can lead to lack of effective circulating blood volume in vivo, manifested as pale skin, Jueleng, dizziness, palpitations, weakness, sweating, rapid pulse. Large amount of bleeding, in addition to the above symptoms, there are weak pulse, respiration and blood pressure drop, shock and other symptoms.
(2) a small number of chronic blood loss, blood loss, the main symptoms are anemia, weight loss, fatigue, apathetic and so on.

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